Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Think before you make up your mind, you don't seem to realize, I can do this on my own...

And if I fall, I'll take it all, it's so easy after all...

Good evening.

People frustrate me. I'm sure everyone has someone who ALWAYS manages to annoy them. Someone who, no matter what they do, just doesn't do it right in your eyes. Someone who you think is expendable, so they should just wear a red shirt. (Star Trek reference for anyone who doesn't get it.)

Well, this one person in my life, happened to prove a couple of my views on life in one action.
First: He showed me that people act irrationally and that most teenage boys are immature.
Second: How instantaneous we, as a society, need things done. There is no patience.
Third: People do not know how to properly use Social Networking sites.
Fourth: He reinstated my belief of Dragons, Good Men and Other Fantasy Creatures.

What this young fellow did, who has always annoyed me no matter what, was break up with his girlfriend of 2 years and 10 months, by clicking 'Single' on Facebook. At one point in time, after an argument, he thought the best solution was to break up with her. On Facebook. He obviously didn't care about how much she had invested into the relationship or the consequences when he clicked that button, completely out of the blue.

Now, I've also realized how much women frustrate me. Why are they unable to move on? Why must they feel obligated to give the doucehyphenbags a second chance? Right after they just went and did some jerk move? How many times must someone break up with you until you realize you deserve a hell of a lot better? So many answers...

This leads me to high school drama.
Grade 9 had it's ups and downs.
Grade 10 was horrid.
Grade 11 was alright.
And so far this year it's been comparably quiet.

Is this a sign of maturity? Or are we just adjusting? Are we growing up and realizing what we want? Or are we simply more tolerable of things that once made us react differently?

Regardless, it is times likes these where I really wish people thought before they acted. Because that one click of a button could be same thing as the wrong word said in an interview, or that one angry look at your boss that gets you fired.


Trying to catch wishes in a butterfly net
watch as they pass right through
how can one keep on swinging
hoping that they’ll take a shape?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, it's not warm when she's away, ain't no when she's gone...

...and she's always gone too long anytime she goes away...

Good morning...

Long time no post. I'm currently at school and realized the website has been unblocked! So hurray!

There are days where I truly do wonder how I can do so many things and not have my head implode. And then I realize that everyone else must be trying to juggle hundreds of things as well.

So who are we to complain? For every one person who has a part time job and volunteers somewhere on the weekend and has a dance class and homework etc, there is someone who has household issues and lack of money and is trying to find a job and has sibilings to babysit, versus the new mom who's husband works so she's stuck at home doing housework and raising her baby. The situations as endless.

Therefore. Why do we feel entired to complain about our lives? They could always be worse. Why is it so hard for one to focus on the positive things they have going on in their days? And then deal with the doom and gloom appropriately? How is complaining and whining and bitching and moaning going to solve anything?

Well...there are people to enable them. The people who listen and comment, or agree with their complaints, their exclamaitions about how they've been done wrong. We are all guilty of doing that. We just want to help. We feel that if we listen then at least someone cares. That we're helping the complaintee. BUT. What if we simply stated, "I'm really sorry your life isn't working out right. Why don't you try and think about the positives?"

Now, granted, that could completely incense somewhat and chaos would pursue. What if we ask them to look at it in a logical way? List the pros and cons of the situation? Find a way to relieve their stress? Paint, read, run, sleep? Or simply state to them: "It could always be worse."

If as a society we managed to complain less about what we don't have, and learned to fully cherish and appreciate what we do have, the world would a happier place, I think.

Sadly...we always want more...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

You change your mind, like a girl changes clothes, yeah you PMS like a bitch...

...I would know.

Good Afternoon, yet again.

I've started volunteering at Ten Thousand Villages (Website). They just opened a store in the downtown and I absolutely am in love with the products and their mission. In a brief little couple of sentences, Ten Thousand Villages' products are all Fair Trade. They are bought from artisans in developing countries around the world. There are no middle men. The artisans/producers are paid a "fair wage" for their products. A "fair wage" being enough money to support their education, food, housing, health care, etc. The are paid usually around half of the cost when the orders are made, giving the artisans enough money to buy materials if need be, and then the rest of the money is paid when the product is shipped. A lot of the products are made by artisan groups, organizations that have formed to create employment for people. A lot of the artisans are women, due to their lack of status, respect, or responsibilities in their home country.

So please, take a couple minutes to browse their website, even. It's a beautiful cause.

On another note: Kittens are one the most entertaining things I have had the privilege to experience. He climbs everything. Has no fear of our 180 lbs Newfoundland dog who drools everywhere. He chases things. Gets up on the kitchen counters. Sleeps for a bit and then goes and tires himself out again. His vast amount of curiosity is probably what I find most intriguing. He's constantly learning every day, without any reservations.

As we get older I think we start to lose this curiosity. We stop asking questions about why things are a certain way and we simply acknowledge it as part of our daily lives. We don't always consider the reasons behind events or situations, we just accept them. If we could maintain some amount of curiosity, of childhood wonder, even, could that bring more joy to our lives? If we had a goal to do something different, try something unfamiliar, learn a new word, every day, would that enhance our daily life? I think that's a challenge I'm willing to accept. Are you?

The joy of making an effort to spend time with someone should be a cherished creature held dear; when one doesn't always see the beauty of said creature nor appreciate it the way you do, the disappointed feeling like someone just called your baby fugly seems to come crashing down. -L.E.Missen

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A woman needs a man Like a fish needs a bicycle When you're tryin' to throw your arms...

...around the world.

Good Afternoon.

I haven't been on my computer much, lately, after writing my last blog. I've been reading, cleaning, sleeping and going out and about. I've also gotten a kitten, so he takes up some of my time. :)

I always find it interesting how we don't realize how much something means to us until it is gone. If we can't comprehend the importance of something until it is too late, though, then how do we fully appreciate it? If we don't know how we truly feel, then how are we able to express our honest emotions? Because once it's gone, and we notice the immensity that it impacted us, it's hard to know what to do next because one cannot alter the past. (Even if you're in the Time Traveler's Wife, which I saw Tuesday night)

Whether it be losses such as a favourite piece of jewelry, or childhood toy, or notebook. Or only one sock, so that you never know where the mate has gone. Or losses such as the death of someone you knew, a break-up, or realizing your childhood is over, with the responsibilities you have, or no longer having a job, or just not having enough time to pursue a hobby you once loved. Regardless of what it is you no longer possess, we always seem to be screwed over by not realizing how much influence or happiness these things bring us, especially if we've fallen into taking things for granted.

So, one should find a way to appreciate everything they have in their lives to its full potential. Nothing has a comparable pang of mingled uncontent emotions than missing something and not being able to resolve it. Even if you don't know to what extent something is important to you, because you haven't had the unfortunate experience of losing it, at least try and realize that it does give you a positive feeling and not to forget about it. Once it's gone, it's unlikely you'll ever get it back.

Live in the moments. Indulge in Life's simple pleasures. Find the things that make you happy. And don't let them go.

"Words that had meaning float through my mind; the feelings from those times are unrelenting, but with effort I force them away, and now they are like the stale pretzels that I consume: for they are neither pleasing nor off putting, and I continue to indulge in them, even when they bring me no pleasure." -L.E.Missen

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here comes the rain again Falling on my head like a memory Falling on my head like a new emotion I want to walk in the open wind...

I want to talk like lovers do...

No one else seems to be awake in my house, yet, and it's 11:28am. Weird.

I started reading Dead Until Dark, the first book of the Sookie Stackhouse series. HBO's True Blood is based off of it. So far it's really enjoyable. I'll write about it when I finish it. ...I just laughed at that myself. But, I will actually read this one from cover to cover. Just you see...

We rely so heavily upon technology these days.

When my cell phone can't get service and I wave it about my basement until my texts send, I find this normal. And then I start to think about it. Everyone wants to be in touch with everyone as quickly and effeciently as possible. Writing a letter is basically dead. Telephoning someone is frowned upon by my own peer group. E-mail is also not always the best means of communication in case someone doesn't check their inbox in time. Instant messaging works if you have a program. But you don't always want to be on your computer to access it. Facebook messaging only works because are addicted to that website. Twitter is getting there. Texting is effective, but you need service and hope that the other person has their phone on them and turned on.

It makes sense for us (as a society) to have this need to be in contact with people almost instantly and all of the time. We're busy and want to keep everyone informed. Schedules get changed so people need to be contacted. Or for sending files instead of having to fax them. There are tons of benefits that we experience daily because we use most (if not all) of these methods.

But what are the consequences?

School system wise, spelling is effected, possibly oral communication, as well. And most definitely handwriting/cursive, is in a decline. It's obsolete for me, at least. My penmanship was never the best, but it's horrid, now. Word processors have taken over and they have 'spell check', too.

IF the technology we are using malfunctions/starts a war against us/stops working in general, what are we going to do? How are we going to function? Obviously we'll adapt...eventually. The widescale effect of that is frightening, though. Contact with the other side of the world? Gone. Access to information on the internet always at your fingertips? Finito. Being able to work from home? Laughable. Knowing what movies are playing at your local theatre while on your smart phone? Ha ha ha. No.

We rely so heavily upon these modern advances. Especially the internet. I mean, it's the coolest thing in the world, it has answers to everything, and access to all of our favourite social networking sites and torrents!


Kids used to go outside and play until the street lights came on. They didn't spend their free time in front of the bright screens of a computer or a television. On rainy days, such as today, you'd sit and colour, paint or write...

As I was finished that last sentence, the hydro went out at my house.
How convenient? So I drew some pictures, and read a little. And now that it's back on, I thought I should hit "publish post". :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

You blink when you breathe And you breathe when you lie...

...You blink when you lie...

My apologies for not blogging. In AGES!

Long story short for my summer thus far: Staying up late. Sleeping in late. Taking photos. Hanging out with friends. Video gaming. Going to the movies. Reading, occasionally. Writing when I get a chance. Still cleaning my room (which is pretty much done, now). Guitar lessons. Young driver's lessons. Dance, when I find time.

My gentleman companion and I have watched every Pixar movie but Cars and Wall-e, together. And we'll need to see Up! when it comes out.

Those movies are ingenious. Visually appealing with stories that play to all audiences. Toy Story is beautiful. The first movie I saw in theatres. :) And even Toy Story 2 is a wonderful piece of work. The movies' plot lines just sucker one in and have such emotional bonds that you find yourself cheering along Marlin in Finding Nemo, or making comments like Edna in the Incredibles. Or still find yourself quoting Buzz Lightyear at age 17. Being able to watch a movie that has no dialogue for at least half of it, Wall-e, is a fabulous experience to be exposed to when everything around us is so busy and fast paced these days in society. The simplicity is compelling. The concept of Rataouille is amusing, and it's executed really well. The characterization in all of the films are impeccable and the voice actors always do a stunning job.

The balance between comedy, suspense and emotions in Monsters Inc. is one that I find hard to compare with others. Where as Cars is not my favourite of Pixar's work, the visual appeal of it is phenomenal. Bug's Life, as well, brings us into a world that we ourselves cannot visit. THAT is what makes Pixar's movies work. They create films based around things that we ourselves in 'life' cannot experience, BUT can believe. Toys coming to life when we aren't around, bugs and their daily operations, monsters that hide in our closests, fish that frolic through the ocean, people who seem like regular people but have super powers, rats that like to cook and live in kitchens, robots that help the Earth once we as a population have destroyed it, cars that can talk and communicate, and a man that travels to a far distant land with balloons tied to his house!

To a young child (and even for myself) these stories are all something to be considered plausible. Not "fairy tales", like the movies Disney used to make (now bringing it back with The Frog Princess, not sure how that will turn out), but stories that children(or older audiences) can relate to in some way.

Simply magnificent.

Until Next Time,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

A time to live, a time to love A time for fun you want to come here we go just dance with me, dance with me slide you up against the door, tell me...

...this is good...


My iTunes just found Ricky Martin's Life album. It's pretty much latino rap music. Guilty pleasure album for this week.

So! I thought summer would bring me less drama. Sadly, cellular devices with their texting make that impossible it seems. But for now it's all good. I have better things to do that to preoccupy my mind with unnecessary things.

Yesterday I made progress with cleaning my room. And I worked on it some more today. Almost every single article of clothing has a place, now. Hurray! I also saw Public Enemies last night. It was really well done. The plot kept me intrigued (I hadn't read up on John Dillinger prior to the film, though), the action was maintained throughout with the shootouts, bank robberies, death and mild explosions. Even if you are not a fan of Johnny Depp, I suggest you see this portrayal of 1930's mobsters.

I also bought the Time Traveler's Wife yesterday. I haven't started to read it, yet. I have so many unfinished books to begin with. I'm incapable of going into a book store and leaving empty handed. *Sigh*

Today was a good day.

I met Carter at a downtown coffee shop where we planned to discuss ideas for a playwriting competition, I suppose. We bounced a couple of ideas back and forth before chatting about life, people, events, Sylvia Plath, literature, society, movies, the usual for three hours. We then went to the library where I checked out a collection of Plath poems and I walked him to where he was volunteering for parking for the Waterfront Festival.

I had a lovely walk home without bothering to put my iPod on. It was nice to just appreciate the world around me. I don't want to sound hippy-trippy but I do have those tendencies, I guess. I walked through a park that I like to photography and up the hill to Monk's Cove where Lake Ontario crashes against the rocks. Another favourite spot to take photos.

I stopped at the convenience store close to my house because I was starving. For $5.54 I rented Doubt, which I will watch on my portable DVD player later tonight, and I bought a Drumstick. Ice cream feeds my hungry soul.

On my way home I realized how much I truly enjoy doing something with my day. That every day has the potential to have beautiful moments to cherish if you only take the chance to allow that to happen. I'm planning on leaving my house every day. Maybe only if for a walk around the block, to the convenience store, or maybe to downtown or the beach.

If one never leaves their home, or their basement for that matter, how can you truly appreciate the simple pleasures in life?

Like the man walking down the street drinking a jug of milk? I wish I had my bloody camera for that...

Well, I'm off to go find a less blinding layout.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

I can't believe you want to turn the page, And move your life onto another stage, You can change the chapter you can change the book...

...But the story remains the same if you'd take a look.

Good afternoon, everyone.

I just put The Hurting record by Tears For Fears on. Oh how I was probably born in the wrong era of music...

I haven't a blog since the last day of school. Not much has really taken place since then. I had Young Driver's in class lessons the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Somewhat mind numbing, but extremely useful. Saturday my best friend and I went decided to bike up to a local high school to run track. I realized how much I hate running, again. I thought I could grow to like it...but NO. There is nothing fulfilling about running in an oblong shape in the humid morning air. We then biked back down to the beach where it was really hot out.

I decided to tan. That turned into a hideous sunburn on my back and 75% of my body. It no longer hurts (6 days later) but is still fairly red. Joy. It's now peeling which is gross, yet interesting at the same time. Therefore Sunday I sat and watched Notting Hill, Chocolat, and The Sure Thing. I kept movement to a minimum and drank some lovely tea.

Monday I tried to be lazy but I ended up cleaning my room and then my dad rented Taken. Liam Neeson certainly kicks ass, I must say.

Yesterday was Canada Day. Hurray! My gentleman companion came over and we watched Darkman (which has Liam Neeson kicking ass). My dad then had us watch Cliffhanger with Sylvestor Stallone. It was a good bad-movie. The action was well done and the cinematography was cool, but plot and whatnot was pretty...well, crap. Still good, though.

I went to the Waterfront Festival today with me mum. I purchased pretty cool things.


Hermit Studios-Original Design Jewelry: I have a necklace. The pendant is circular and has both a Pentacle and the Goddess Moons on it in purples. I love it. Jeff was a very friendly interesting man whose wife does silk work. She dyes all of it herself. He also desgins tattoos. My mom had a wonderful chat with him.

Jammy Yang-Microcalligraphic Artisit: Sadly his business card does not have a website... BUT his work is spectacular! He paints on a single grain of rice. My necklace has my name on one side and a pentacle on the back. It is then put into a liquid, possibly water, in a capsule that goes on the necklace cord. It's absolutely fabulous. The skill required to do that is mind blowing! He was featured on Ripley's Believe It Or Not for piece he drew on a grain of rice. Look him up!

antiMatter-Quasi-science t-shirts & paraphernalia: Her work is so clever! She incorporates molecules onto shirts or tanks. Such as ethyl-alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, adrenaline, etc. I bought one that says Dark Matter. All of her shirts are science related which I thought was pretty awesome. The inner nerd in me, I suppose.

Su's Silk Art-Rick Tao: The adjectives I keep coming up with describe his silk art are simply understatements. My mom bought a piece from him which is beautiful. The talent and patience given towards his art is shown. Just click the link. Although seeing it in person is so much more meaningful.

Ten Thousand Villages: We have a store opening up on our main street of our town and I am planning on volunteering with them. I LOVE their mission statements. They support fair trade and the money from the retail purchased goes back to the artisans in their developing countires. It's a really good cause and their products that they carry are wonderful. I bought a journal and it's cover is made from wood. I can never have enough of those. (Side note: I need to srtart writing, again)

Stanford Photography-Tim Stanford: I had a nice chat with Mr. Stanford about photography in general because I was looking at his work and happened to have my camera Jerry slung around my neck. He seems like a wonderful gentleman and I've browsed through his site and he has some really nice shots. I LOVE capturing details in life and he has some beautiful shots with lots of vibrant colour photos.

I should probably really update my photo blog... I think I'll do that after this blog.

I've Learned:

-Many things about driving in the past couple of days. Ground view, scan interesctions left, center, right, mirror, cover break and horn, avoid rear collisions, etc, etc.

-I am still such an academic. I recieved the highest mark in the class on the test for Young Driver's with 94%. I was proud of myself.

-There is nothing comparable to the sound of dead flesh peeling off. Thank-you healng sunburn.

-Free frozen yogurt is much better than paying for it.

-It's really difficult for four family members to agree on a movie to watch.

-I should never try to tan ever again.

- Staying up late and sleeping in is more fun than it should be.

-I'm only going to be young once so I figure it's best to eat all the crap I can now before my metbolism slows down. Ex: Donuts at ten o'clock at night, Cinnabons or cake for breakfast/lunch, a bag of pretzels in one day, Kraft Singles cheese on burgers. Not all in one day, though. That would make me really sick.

-Batman: The Animated Series was quite dark for me to watch as a child. But I still love it even at age 17.

-I don't like unresolved conflicts. They bother me. I'm a problem solver.


I need to print off more photos for my photo wall, seriously update my photoblog, re-boil the kettle for tea and update my twitter!

Also! My good friend who writes Life of a Teenage Loser has been writing poetry non-stop for the past couple of days! He also has a Twitter account. Feel free to follow him. He's toying with the idea of writing a book of poetry. I am greatly excited! I am also working on a photgraphy book. But we shall see... My blobmonster drawings may resurface instead... too many creative energies... not enough time to focus all of them...

Anyways! Off to hopefully do those things if I can remember...sticky notes ftw.

'Til Next Time!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things get damaged Things get broken I thought we'd manage But words left unspoken Left us so brittle...

... There was so little left to give.

It was the last day of Grade Eleven for me today. It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. It's absolutely beautiful to not be stressed. With other things going on in my life (no job, being able to sleep in, photo excursions planned, awesome, entertaining friends, and a caring gentleman companion willing to drive me around in his truck) I am feeling quite content. I'm happy.

My drama monologue worked out fine. I got 87%, so that's not too shabby. :) Was able to stand on a desk and shout and throw and kick things, so it worked out for me.

I went to a friend's party tonight. There was a few people who I hadn't met before, but we all got along really well and many good laughs and hilarious moments. It was sort of sad (in a pathetic way) when my best friend turned to me, when we were all in a room gaming, and said: "I think is the largest amount of friends we have ever had."

It was definitely true.

But I laughed.

I've learned...

-Teenage guys must show signs of homosexuality in order to prove their hetero-ness. (or so that happens within my circle of friends)

-That I enjoy keeping in touch with former teachers.

-That the bent arm of my sunglasses can actually be fixed with a bit of patience.

-These are probably going to be some of the best moments in my life and I am going to cherish them.

-Some people are self-absorbed, uncaring jerks who can't take a hint. (I've realized this a long time ago, but it was re-proven to me)

-Because I don't like peanut butter, that bothers people (why...?)

-My hair will probably need to be cut before my scheduled appointment on July 16th.

-No more school until September, which could be my last year of high school! (I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad...I'll decide much closer to the date)


Also, I seriously need to start up my stick note/white board tendencies again to remember everything I have to do and when...ugh...

Despite my nocturnal tendencies, I do need some sleep.



Monday, June 22, 2009

I don't want to be adored for what I merely represent to you, I don't want be your babysitter you're a very big boy now I don't want to be your mother

...I didn't carry you in my womb for 9 months...

I wrote my Sociology exam today. It went well. There were some questions about an ancient Chinese myth about the stages of women's lives or something? I looked at the page and picked a letter for the multiple choice and went 'ya, sure let's go with this one'. I hate, yet love, multiple guess at the same time.

I am in the process between deciding on a drama monologue for my exam tomorrow. Ugh... But it's the last day of school tomorrow! Yay! And then I have Young Driver's in class lessons Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Tuesday. Yay, but also not so yay because I will then be inside from 9-4 those days...but I'll manage.

I need to e-mail a woman back about volunteering for playwrighting/helping out with drama camps. I keep forgetting to...gah...

I am going to a friend's partay tomorrow after guitar lessons! I am excited! We are going to chill and play video games and she's flown our friend who moved to Vancouver back for a little bit, which is wonderful!

After my exam today I hung out with my gentleman companion and two of our guy friends. We went to Subway, then drove to a friend's house where he told us we couldn't hangout because of his sister's graduation to we walked across the street and swung on some swings that were there.

We then drove back to the other side of town my chill at my place where we played Mario Karts Wii, Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Party 8. Good times... MP8 is really trippy, though.

But Wii games become less fun after a while, especially because the guys like violence and shooting games and I don't have any of those for the Wii. So we went gallivanting to another park by my house and swung on those swings before walking back because we all just wanted to go crash back at our own houses. It was sunny outside and none of us were really used to that with being at school or living in our cool, dark, basements.

Today I Learned

-That when on a swing, your friend can kick your other friend's shoe so that it will almost hit the play structure that you are sitting on.

-It's okay to wear two different coloured converses.

-I like clipping flowers into my hair.

-My one friend always seems to need to go pee when outside.

-That it's quite entertaining to change the speed setting on a turn table to 44's instead of the regular speed when listening to AC/DC's Back in Black album.

-For some reason my mother continues to make food I do not like. Ex: Chicken strips and wedge fries on a cookie sheet. Why do we not have non-frozen food?

From Last Night After My Blog:

-Dancing on the beach to live drummers is good for my soul.

-Your body will probably feel slightly stiff after dancing for three hours on the beach.

-Mosquittos are out to get me. My hand is all swollen up so is my wrist. And my eye was swollen two weeks ago.

-I am pretty much nocturnal.


I am off to go find some form of dinner for myself.

'Til next time.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

He caught me looking then but soon his eyes forgot and everything he seems to do reflects just another shade of blue. I saw him searching into you...

...and ached a while...

I have been in a really good mood since Friday, which is wonderful. I've been so stressed lately that I haven't had time to enjoy being content. Which is sad...

I had recently found our 35 year old turn table in the basement, but it stopped working. :(

My dad bought a new one yesterday, though! So I've been playing the vinyl while hanging in my basement.

I rolled out of bed at noon yesterday and decided to clean the rec room/play room/basement of my house. I vacuumed and dusted a bit. Put all the dvd's and wii discs back in their cases. Honestly, I have no idea how hard it is for people to just put them back int heir case! It's irking.

I then moved my desk and all computer stuff to the other side of the room, and moved the desk that had been their to where my stuff had been. So I have a nice corner to work in now with an antique floor lamp that I bought for $45 last weekend. I got it for half price! I love sales. :)

Only two more exams left, still. I should be going over Sociology notes or memorizing my drama monologue, right now. I will. Soon.

I've come up with a list of things I want (would like to do) this summer:

-Not sleep in as much, but still be able to stay up late (not sure how this will work out)

-Rent a cottage for a bit of time.

-Write a play.

-Take photos everyday that will enhance my photography portfolio.

-Do yoga everyday.

-Have track running almost every day. (Help stay in shape for rugby in the fall)

-Maybe get a gym membership. Just for the summer.

-Learn some songs on the guitar.

-Find a way to make money without having a job. (Not sure how to accomplish this one)

-Volunteer at the Ten Thousand Villages store opening up soon in the downtown.

-Go outside everyday.

-Write more. In general.

-Draw more, as well.

-Try to finish a book a week. (It's possible when I have the time. I think...)

-Be happy. Enjoy life. Learn something new everyday. Stay in touch with my friends.

-Learn to drive well through lessons.

-NOT drive into more curbs, swerve into on coming traffic, or turn not sharply enough so I'm stuck in the middle of a road. (Good times...good times... Note to self: Driving IRL is not like Mario Karts, sadly enough.)

-Purchase a Lava Lamp.

-***CLEAN MY ROOM*** (I'm hoping to do that tomorrow after school. I'll keep you updated on that.)


-Indulge in life's simple pleasures. Whether they be sitting at sunset at the beach, or eating ice cream, or dancing in the rain, or hugs from a friend, or seeing an awful movie that you can laugh at later, or discovering a new band, or walking barefoot through the streets....or not having a job so I can do all of those things. :)

I think I'll make a common thing on each post of things I learn every day., so far:

What I Have Learned/Realized

-Creating a defense system for your room (by not cleaning it so there is a narrow pathway from door to bed) can go against you if you leave your dresser door open for your hip to bash into.

-Picking at a scratch on your sunglasses will not make it go away.

-Your upper abs WILL hurt the next day if you haven't done crunches in a while.

-I hate crunches.

-My sister doesn't care if I attend her Grade 8 grad or not.

-I tend to care much more than others about everything.

-I really miss House. And would like to come back on ASAP.

-Men do not read instructions. If men read instructions then women possibly wouldn't know so much about everything.

-The best type of frozen yogurt is free frozen yogurt.

-I need to invest in a label maker.

-I don't want to grow up.


Anyways! I have to go flip the Yaz record I'm currently listening to and go over exam notes. Joy.

I'm hopefully dancing on the beach with other women from the dance studio or the community to music provided by (I think they are Sudanese) drummers. It shall be a blast, providing it doesn't rain...hmm...

I wish everyone a Happy Father's Day! And an enjoyable Litha! (Summer Solstice)

Until Next Time,


Thursday, June 18, 2009

I think I'll go to Boston, I think that I'm just tired I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...


Just a quick blog while I take a short break from putting the finishing touches on my Sociology paper. It's pretty crappy, I think, but it's better than a 0 for 30% of my final mark for the course. Yay.

I had my Bio exam today. It went okay... One of the questions was a fill in the blank and it asked something along the lines of "What is the offspring called when two different species breed together? ex. horse and donkey". My answer was 'mutant'. It should probably be 'hybrid'. Fabulous. :D

My courses for next year are freaking awesome! Media studies, Grade 11 Art, Co-op, Grade 12 English. And then: Grade 12 Art, Writer's Craft (E-Learning), Musical Theatre and Grade 12 Drama!

I was talking to Carter and my ex-science/physics teacher (he teaches IB which I am no longer in) about my courses and the teacher asked me if I had my driver's license. I said, no, not yet but I will. His response was: "Good, because you'll be delivering a lot of pizza." Apparently he has no appreciation for the arts and therefore needed to criticize my choices. Oh well... I was taken a back at first but just shrugged it off.

I've started to focus a bit more time on guitar playing. It's quite enjoyable.

Anyways! I have to get back to my homework. Only 2 more exams to go before driving courses start and then summer! Sociology on Monday and Drama on Tuesday. Shouldn't be too bad.

I recently got a twitter: UniquelyLANA. Follow me, if you'd like. :)

Til next time,


Monday, June 8, 2009

I am the one who got away, doesn’t what matter you say, you’ll regret it till you dying day, cause I am the one who got away

So! School has been taking up most of my time. Yay...

We had a Comedy night for drama last week. It was a really wonderful evening full of entertainment performed by our senior drama class. I love the acting high from these events. :)

Saturday I had a dance showcase. It was fabulous. The energy emitted was fantastic. But it's one of those "you had to be there experiences". All the dancers looked stunning and their characterization was superb!

My friends and I recently finished the filming for Zacky's Media Studies project. I'm currently uploading the parts onto YouTube. Woot. I'll link. Here. There are 4 parts because it's 25 minutes long and YouTube is all: "No clips longer than 10 minutes" when I tried to upload them. Eff you YouTube... There is also a Blooper video. :) Check it out, please!

So other than my Sociology research paper, a slideshow for yearbook and a monologue for drama for my final exam I have not much work. I am glad. :)

And our Art & Literary magazine that my group of friends and I and the art teacher have put together is going on sale soon! Yay! We've been putting up a new poster each day at school so that it adds a letter to the title. It's cool how people start asking what the Robot holding the sign with only the letters "Ex N" on it means. We just tell them to keep watching the posters. :)

There's an Athletic Banquet, where whoever was on a sports team this year can pay $3 to get out of some class on Thursday at 10, I think, to watch a slideshow and other people, who are better at sports than you, get awards. And then we also get lunch of some form I think. I went last year for playing soccer. And now I'll go this year for soccer and rugby. Double the chances for not winning anything! Yay! But honestly I just like getting out of class.

I want school to be done for the summer so I can start Young Driver's and get my G2. And have time to sleep and read. And take photos. That's all I really want. Is that too much to ask? ...probably...knowing my luck....

Anyways! I have school tomorrow and am slightly sleepy, so I shall end this blog.

Until Next Time.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

If I died in your arms, would you then give me your love? Would you tell me that you need me...and that I was the one?

I haven't posted in over a week! Not that anyone cares...

The poetry night went really well. I read first, and I was told that I have a lovely rhythm when I read that is soothing to the soul (or something alone those lines). That's a good compliment, I suppose.

Boston was a blast! The bus ride wasn't too bad. We were by Fenway Park around 6, that night, I think. My group of friends and I had Frappuccinos and decadent ice cream from The Cold Stone for dinner. Best. Dinner. Ever. So. Far. From there we went to the 5 Wits Interactive Egyptian Tomb. That was pretty sweet.

The hotel was really nice. We were on the 9th floor(the top floor), which also had a pool on it...that midly concerned me. The next morning we had complimentary breakfast. I had Apple Jacks (dry) and apple juice. I was hoping for Froot Loops, but no such luck.

We then went to Salem. That town has something special about it with the cobblestone streets and the themed stores. We went to the Salem Witch Museum, where I spent money. And my friends and I bought Kanye West type glasses, which we have turned into the Cult of the Crazy Sunglasses and created a group on Facebook for us. :)

We walked around Salem and found this awesome store where I purchased an Edgar Allan Poe action figure. Jesus, a Crazy Cat Lady and Vincent Van Gogh with interchangable head were also bought by various friends. :D

From Salem we went to the Museum of Fine Arts. It was alright. They had a cool musical instruments section. I bought a stationairy set with pictures of Fancy French Hats on them.

We went back to the hotel to get ready for the Blue Man Group. We had dinner at the Pour House, a cozy bar type setting. The Blue Man group was phenominal. It's hard to put into words, you have to be there. Their comments on society are so deep and through the alienation formed by using Bretchian techniques, the show really makes you think. The comedy throughout had perfect timing but allowed you to open your mind as to what they were trying to get across. Not to mention the music and their drumming skills which were fantastic!

The next day we went to the New England aquarium, where I got some cool shots. We also visited Quincey Market and Faneuil Hall. I love the cobblestone streets and the older parts of Boston that we walked through later that night. We went whale watching as well, where we saw Finwhales and Humpback whales. I got pictures! :D

We ate at Hard Rock Cafe that night. And then went on our walking tour. We left at 8 the next morning and were back around 6. So we made good time.

And then I had to be back at school for 8 for Link Crew training. We went to this beautiful lake north of Peterborough and I had a lot of fun, regardless of the fact that I was exhausted.

We got back Wednesday after school. Where I helped set up for Music Night. And then needed to be back at the school for 6:30. The performances were all really well done.

Thursday I slept until 1:30 and then did homework. I went to school Friday to learn I had a lot of homework to do. I spent Friday night eating ice cream and doing practically nothing. Yesterday I danced for 7 hours. And then I woke up today at 12:30 and went "Frig...I have homework to do."

And that resulted in me writing this blog. :)

I was going to film one, because I have a lot of new friends to share. But my video camera is at a friend's house because he needed it for filming that he never did. Fricking Zac Efron...


I have a Drama ISU for the history of theatre waiting to be tackled. Two different sociology projects and something for Bio...I think...

Until Next Time.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

'Cos I Don't Know Who I Am Without You, All I Know Is That I Should...

I hate this week. I'm only at school for three days this week and I'm not enjoying it.

I have 3 different projects to finish tonight before I leave for Boston. And I need to do laundry, as well...ugh...

Tomorrow night I am reading at the poetry night. My gentleman companion does not want to attend, though, and this makes me disgruntled? Am I asking too much of him? If he had events I would willingly go to them. And we've been together for 6 months yesterday, so I'm not I expecting way too much? I know he doesn't like poetry, and hasn't been feeling well lately, but aren't you supposed to be supportive of the other person in your relationship? Or I could just be delusional, why would someone go out of their way and do something that they obviously don't want to do?

But I digress...

I think I may have a sinus infection, and I'm somewhat sleep deprived. Joy.

Nothing too exciting except there were anti abortion people out in front of our high school yesterday. I took a picture. I'll post it later.

I just saw the new Harry Potter trailer. Freaking awesome. I hope it's better than the fifth one. That one was awful. By "dark" they just didn't turn any lights on at all.

Anyways, homework is calling me.


Ps: To the writer of "Methodless Madness", you are more than welcome for the birthday wishes. :)

Posted with LifeCast

Monday, May 18, 2009

I've Got A Really Bad Disease, Its Got Me Begging In My Hands And Knees

Today was a good day. One of my best Mondays by far. The majority of my friends and I got together to do some filming for Zac's media studies project, which is a short film. It was a lot if fun. We still have some more shots for a different, but with what we got today it was a couple hours well spent. We got some weird looks from the people walking their dogs in the dog park, though...but we needed the woods. :)

And then we played some Mario Karts Wii back at my house. I fail...and I own the game and play somewhat often...grr...

I filmed a vlog, but I didn't like the location...and the startup disk in my computer us low. So...I need to clean it up before adding more stuff to it . Which sort of sucks.

I have school for 3days before leaving for Boston. I'm excited. For once. And I have American money, so it's all good. But it's so boring compared to our Canadian money(aka monopoly money). Colour is a good thing to have, it helps differentiate between the bills. And I will miss the loonie and toonie while away for those couple days...1dollar bills are simply irritating to me. I can see how they are better than carrying a lot of coin, yet coupled with being the same green as the others, they get mistaken for different amounts.

I need to write some more poetry for Thursday night, so I'm off to be creative and then sleep. Hope you all had a good long weekend. :)

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

But Then Again Mike Newton Doesnt Know What Chivalry Is, So I Guess Ill Check Out This Edward Cullen…

I love sleeping in. It's such a wonderfully blissful thing to wake up when you need to instead of when you have by alarms going off.

It's the long weekend and I'm spending it doing homework because I'm missing that week of school.

And I like to go out and about Sundays. I wanted to do some photography, but it's cloudy and overcast so the shots I were planning probably won't happen... Meh...

I'm reading at a poetry night Thursday. I'm excited for that. If find people tend to like poetry or they don't. But then for those who like it, no one ever lives every single published peice. I can only read so much from certain authors before feeling like my brain will explode.

School is done in about a month I believe. That's something to look forward to. And then I'm taking Young Drivers so i can get a cut in insurance and learn proper driving skills.

Has anyone listened to the new Green Day album? It's sounds like Green Day, but some of the phrasing reminds me of My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album, just slightly. And I swear they've stolen some guitar licks again... But I love how it's a concept album, it tells a story. These albums are disappearing, I think, so it's refreshing to see/hear them.

I'm going on a quest today to see if our turntable is in our laundry room... I feel like breaking out the vinyl. Our record store downtown has CDs but also a large collection of vinyl, it's an awesome place. The only other place to buy CDs is Walmart or our slowly dying Zellers. But I haven't bought a cd in months. U can't even remember which one it was... I've taken to iTunes if I like the artist enough to give them money. But if I feel they are just catchy, or want some "popular" music, I'll download it. And now with some of the songs being 1.29 or such on iTunes, that's just irritating.

Anyways, I'm going to go find some breakfast and then begin my day of homework.

Also, happy birthday to the writer of the blog "Methodless Madness", have a great day. :)

Until next time,


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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hey There Coffee Girl, So Beautiful And Disaffected. It Was Perfect 'Till He Came Along And Wrecked It.

So! I haven't written a blog in way too long. While I wait for my video of "He's Just Not That Into You" to buffer, I shall type.

School is starting to get hectic. Lots of tests and projects coming up. The usual and whatnot with it being almost June. With my goal of trying to get on as many trips as possible, I have accomplished something beautiful. I leave for an Arts trip to Boston next friday morning. We get back Monday night. Tuesday and Wednesday I am at a Link Crew training camp. Wednesday night is Music Night. Thursday there is another art trip that I am planning on attending. That means I attend school Friday this last week of May. A well mastered plan, if I do say so myself. :)

I've been meaning to share this photo, so here it is:

This is what my uncle, aunt and cousins bought me for my birthday last month. He read my blog and realized how much I *love* Dora, My Little Pony and Pringles. He also included Pretzels and Sweedish Berries, which I have devoured. And the Granola bars are quite tasty. Therefore: Thank-you for the well thought out gifts. They were well recieved. :)

Our school yearbook has had its pages sent off. That's exciting. And now we have started a photography assignment which only irks me slightly because part of it is to use the modes of the camera. Well, quite frankly, I hate using the preset modes because I prefer to use the TV setting on my Canon Rebel XTi. I like being able to change the ISO speeds, turning off flash (I hate flash in general), adjusting exposure and aperature. So these preset automatic adjustment modes just annoy me. I'll get over it. Eventually.

We also need to use Corel Presentations for this assignment. I'm going to try and use Keynotes and burn it onto a DVD and see if that will work. Or maybe find a file extension that will crossover.

Our other assignment is to use 'PhotoStory' on the Windows computers at school. I don't really like this program. I think iMovie 08 could work instead...but I think the teacher would prefer us to use the programs mentioned. Grr...

Our soccer season ended today. It consisted of 5 games that we lost. Everyone played really well and had a good time, though, so it's all good. And I managed not to be severely injured in any way. Even better.

I still have 800 books on the go. And I keep buying more... I should know better by now.

My room is almost clean, though. And I honestly mean that, surprisngly. It's uplifting to realize this. :)

I bought a guitar yesterday. It's electric, a Squier Stratocaster. It's slightly used but in really good shape. Apparently it is a Seafoam green colour, so claims my Gentleman Companion. But I think it is a mint colour. Meh... She's pretty, though, and I've named her Circe, for the time being. She may decide to show different character traits worthy of a re-name. My acoustic has been named Hespera. The goddess of dusk in Greek mythology. :)

I'm off to watch the end of "He's Just Not That Into You".

Until Next Time,


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

But All The Promises We Make From The Cradle To The Grave, When All I Want Is You.

School has been mind numbing and somewhat stressful. Bio is interesting, sociology is brain melting, yearbook has deadlines coming up and drama has our play opening up in a week. And then there are soccer games starting next week.

My socio teacher wears colour coordinated outfits. Today it was navy blue day. Her shirt had small white polkadots, and then a denim jacket, grey blue jeans and a blue and dark blue scarf. The other day it was pink themed...

It's cold out, but there was soccer practice today. It went fairly well. At least it stopped raining for the duration of practice, but it's precipitating again now.

I'm handing in a letter of resignation to work, tomorrow. I need more time to focus on my education. And then during the summer I can just galivant about, or read, or write, or sleep in, etc. It will be enjoyable.

My GC is getting his hair cut tonight and that will be a historic event because he hasn't cut it in ages. I've been invited to witness this. It shall be interesting.

Until later,

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He's Too Stoned. Nintendo. I Wish That I Could Make Her See She's Just The Flavour Of The Week.

It's my friend Adam's birthday today. So, a "happy birthday" to him.

I realized today that I am easily paranoid of things. I was aware of this, but it fully comprehended today. Public washrooms bother me because of the germ factors. I won't cross at an insection until the "walk" sign shows up. I enjoy walking alone at night but am always on edge because who knows who else is out there? I am quite afraid of choking. If I swallow food funny I will stop breathing until I'm sure it has passed my epiglottis. I also can't swallow pills. I'm paranoid of falling down stairs because I've done it so many times. I'm also paranoid of birds flying over head, Canadian geese, ants taking over my house, losing things (including people), staining my clothes or spilling things on myself, and turning into my mother. No offense to my mom, though.

The talent show was today. Lots of music performed with singing, guitars, drums and such. Two students from my Link Crew were in it. My "crew" was represented yo.

One of the highlights of the show for my friends was when that guy I mentioned in my last blog who they claim is "obsessed" with me (I think that may be harsh) sang today because they claim he looked right at me at points. If he did I didn't notice because I was simply listening to the music and not really paying attention to those on stage.

It rained again today and is still cold. Not much fun there. Although my GC did attain his G2 today so maybe he'll be nice enough to give me a ride occasionally.

My friend carter and I walk together from school to the small downtown at least 2 times a week after school. We have interesting conversations ranging from superheroes, tv shows, people we don't know, people we know, our situations with life, school, homework, movies, society, and being a teenager, just to name a few.

Today he told me I was too caring and too forgiving. And I guess I tend to be like that because not everyone is, and what if I just happen to be that one person who cares about someone because no one else does for whatever reason? Then I know that if I care then there is atleast one person who gives a damn... I also tend to have maternal instincts... Ask any of my friends... Carter also said my caring just gets me hurt, and I suppose it does...but it's just how I function.

I witnessed once again, tonight how what is written above is very true.

I met a really interesting woman today at my mom's dance class. We talked about writing and books and things like that. We will have more conversations in the future, of that I am sure.

I have school, yet again tomorrow, and it is the last day I see the majority of my friends until Tuesday because they are going to New Brunswick on a rugby trip. I wish them all the best and to please be safe. :) again, with the maternal instinct....


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Monday, April 20, 2009

Coin Operated Boy, All The Other Real Ones That I Destroy Cannot Hold A Candle To My New Boy, And I'…

It's been a cold, rainy day, today. Usually I welcome the spring weather, but it's too damp and chilly for me, sadly. I'd love to be able to go bike around but that's not possible with this week's projected forecast. Darn...

I received my school rugby jacket and shirts today. They're pretty schweet. I haven't had a windbreaker in a while, so that's exciting.

School was fairly easy going. Bio in the morning always allows adequate time to wake up. Yearbook let me finish some forgotten homework and upload photos of a school play I shot. Lunch was spent with my GC(gentleman companion) on one side of me and his friend on my other side talking about Metal Gear Solid. My two guy friends on the other side of the table thought the best thing to do would be to laugh at my melting brain. So that was a predictable, enjoyable lunch hour. The other day the discussion was about Stsrgate. Just to spite my GC, I think I will vow never to watch an episode of it. Ever.

Drama was good. We open our play in 9 says and counting. Dun dun dunn... I'm pretty much good to go. It's just finding some costuming. Sociology had us watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding. My two "supportive" friends from lunch had an assign and dismiss, so they joined me. We shared some laughs.

I then had my hair dyed red. And that's pretty much my day. I need to incest in bear mace, though, or maybe just go over what Tae Kwondo I remember from when I was 8... Regardless, I may have need for either of them because my friends believe I may still have an obsessed stalker. I think they just want to see someone punch this individual in general, but we shall see.

There's a talent show tomorrow. My curiosity is piqued to see what talent my high school posseses. It will be blogged about tomorrow when I get home from guitar.

Anyways, I'm off to bed.


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Shush Girl. Shut Your Lips. Do The Helen Keller And Talk With Your Hips.

My day was better than some of the others I've been having lately. I cleaned my room and am actually über close to finishing it for once. I'm then going to be able to paint it. I'm thinking "sea life" by Behr. It's a torquoise colour. :)

I went to home depot, as well. I love that store. And I visited wal-mart to purchase a 3 drawer filing cabinet to assist in cleaning my bedroom.

Wal-mart and Costco are the hearts of consumerism, which is, sadly, what our society is based upon. I don't grasp how spending money will help get the country/government out of a recession, though. It seems slightly backwards to me. No, I think we need a "Hitler". Not for causing WWIII, we are already on our way for something like that to happen, what with North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and the Middle East, but I digress. As for Hitler, he brought Germany out of their depression. His choices caused beneficial change and his actions created a functioning country...until the whole concept of genecide... But yeah... We just need a leader of some form to step it up. I doubt Harper will, though. And everyone expects Obama to have the answers. Which are exceptionally high expectations, á mon avis. He does not have a magic wand, or powers, or one ring to rule them all, that I know of. But he has a new dog, if that's important to anyone. And Kutner died on House to go work for him...

Regardless, how is spending more money going to solve a deficit? Plus there's whatever amount that the States now owes China.

Anyways, I have school tomorrow.

Until next time,


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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Backstabber, Hope Grabber, Greedy Little Fit Haver, God I Feel For You, Fool...

Life has been busy, lately, which can either be good or bad. Being busy allows me to get out of the house, learn new things, partake in different experiences and embrace oppurtunities. At the same time, there is such a thing as too busy because there simply is not enough time in the day.

My regular schedule in a week includes school, guitar, homework, dance, soccer practices, work usually 3 days a week and then sleeping. Plus the odd night to socialize. Soccer games start the end of the month, though, and I'm in a play who's opening night is the end of the month, too. And then exams are at the end of June.

It just gets hectic.

A woman used a spoon from the "used teaspoons" glass at work the other day. Not only did that gross me out(I wasn't in the vicinity to tell her "NOO!!!") but it reminded me once again that people do not read. And even the older generations, the more elderly folks, are not exempt from asking, instead of simply looking. I'm sure there are multiple reasons for the lack of left to right eye movement but that doesn't mean we can at least TRY to make an effort to read.

The younger generations these days,(I don't want to sound like a retiree) want everything instantaneously. There's no patience. No respect. No value given towards moments or objects. Texting, msn, iPods, movies and Internet all provide instant gratification. And if it isn't fast enough, well, I think everyone is guilty of complaining that something or someone is too slow. Even downloads, where you can get the latest movie, game, song, etc, before it's even released.

We, as a society, have lost patience because of these advancements in technology. And I'm not saying I'm exempt. I get my text on. I have a new iPod touch which I'm currently writing this blog on. I use the Internet daily. I get annoyed when people drive too slow. I download the occasional movie, or the pop song on the radio. I wonder if the radio is in danger if becoming obsolete. Even with XM or Sirius satellite radio you can quickly change the station.

I'm not against all this technology, nor do I feel it is the only reason for the lack of patience being displayed, but is one if them.

What I'm concerned about is the children in our society. The ones who'd rather watch a movie than read a book. The ones who need whatever they want right at that moment. The ones who don't know the importance of "please" and " thank you" and "you're welcome". The ones who don't care about others. The ones that watch tv, play video games or sit on the computer instead of going outside to learn. The ones that don't want to pay for something they can download. The ones that don't recognize the impact of a polite "hello", an honest "goodbye" and a sincere smile. The ones that don't know how to tell time from a regular wall clock. The ones that don't know what cursive writing is. The ones that use L337 instead of proper english in their writing. The ones that have never seen a vinyl record. The ones that choose to critisize instead of critique. The ones who can't enjoy the simple things in life. The ones who don't embrace the moments but instead wait, tapping their digital watch, for the next one to come.

Those things not only annoy me, but they scare me.

This is why I try to go on my computer only once a week. Try not to instantly switch the song on my iPod. Or why I listen to a full album. Why I go sit at the beach for a couple hours a week. Why I go for walks and watch the sun set. Why I have hundreds of books. Why I say please and thank you and you're welcome. Why I say hello with a smile to strangers on the street.

I also do those things because my mother took the time to teach me.

And because I at least hope that if I feel this way, that there are others who are taken aback or offended when children are not taught how to be respectful.

It just seems lately that there are too many young people who are willing to ride through your dirt piles on their bikes and then boast about it. Too many who tell you how and what you will play with them. And too many that are just obnoxiously impatient.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life Is An Open Road To Me...

I'm just trying to see if my new iPod can post blogs properly. I'll type a new one up tonight.


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Monday, March 30, 2009

Her green plastic watering can For her fake Chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth. That she bought from a rubber man...

Good Evening to you all.

I have filmed nothing recently and have felt absolutely exhausted and drained of energy for the last couple days. Yet here I am typing away at 10 at night. What am I doing...?

Friday I participated in the 30 Hour Famine. It raises money to feed children in countries that need it. (ie: Africa). 30 dollars feeds a child for a month. It's a good cause and I've participated in it for 3 years now. Each year consists of not eating for 30 hours (obviously, because of the title of the event) and sleeping over at the school. Activities take place, like watching movies, having card games, playing games in the gym or just simply chillin'. And then we play manhunt around 11:00 at night (which turns into tag, basically) through the halls of our school, with some of the hallways having their lights out. It's a fair bit of fun. My group of friends and I stayed up until curfew, yet another year, that being 3:00 AM. Lack of sleep and fasting. What a beautiful combonation.

Saturday, with only 4 hours a sleep and having consumed a bagel with butter and creamcheese, I proceeded to volunteer with a woman who I help with her computer (a lovely elderly lady who's quite caring) at 10:00 AM. I then worked 12-7. Before driving an hour away to watch a dance performance. I got home at 10:something PM. And I was also told that morning that my cat (he was 18 and becoming quite decrepid) had been euthanized while I was at the Famine because he had a heart attack. Saturday was a very long day, to say the least. But I bought myself cupcakes. So it was all good. :)

Sunday, I woke up at 11:00 AM and managed to roll out of bed to get ready to go to a baby shower for one of my co-workers. It was interesting being the youngest person there. But enjoyable nonetheless. She recieved some really nice gifts for her baby boy.

Today, I got up at 7:30. Hurriedly ate an Apple Spice muffin (my mom does the groceries) and got ready for school. I then went to school.

What I learned today at school:

  • It can (and will) snow in Canada where I live in the end of March.
  • Having an 'Assign and Dismiss' first period, so that I don't have Biology, feels good.
  • I had 5 overdue library books which I finally returned today.
  • As I walked into the library to return them, I noticed people setting up for a conference and thought "Why didn't they put a sign up to say the library was closed?" As I exited the library I then saw the sign on the door. I can't read. And that made me disappointed with myself.
  • Life isn't long enough to do everything you want to do.
  • It also isn't long enough to go out of your way to try and please everyone. No matter what you do, not everyone will be happy with how you act. You just need to embrace that fact and carry on.
  • I go out of my way not to disappoint or upset others. This tends to cause more issues for myself. I tell myself that it's okay. But really, there are times where I'd love to tell people to just gtfo.
  • Proxies are a wonderful thing to find at school.
  • I really enjoy reading the posts on
  • RingPops work as a makedo engagement ring.
  • I think that if I ignore people long enough they will just go away...
  • My English/Sociology teacher talks a lot.
  • Drama class keeps me sane. Whereas 'drama' brings me closer to the brink of insanity.
  • The comics on xckd are quite entertaining.
  • Twilight makes me frustrated, sad and irrate. I read them before other people did. Please stop obessesing over the books? They are poorly written (yet an easy read that sucks you in as a reader) and will NEVER rival that of Harry Potter. I liked them when I read them the first time. Upon re-reading them, it was a painful experience. And the last book was so cliche and anti-climatic that I cried out of disappointment rather than emotional connections to the saga.
  • I also realized that I'm glad to have the gentleman companion that I do. He makes me happy.
I'm sure I learned a lot more than that. Notice, though, how none of them are course or curriculumn related? odd...

Anyways! I am on a school trip tomorrow to a French Film Festival. We have an hour(not enough time!) to shop at this very nice mall before seeing the movie and then having lunch at some restaurant. For 30 bucks I was willing to have the day off of school. This is what I do come second semester: I try and get onto as many trips as I can. So far, I'm doing pretty good. I'm just not going on the Rugby Tour to New Brunswick in April because I didn't want to get hurt in a distant province. But I am going on the Arts Department trip to Boston in May, so it all works out.

I should probably go to bed... I'm still reading The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson, though, so we'll see how that works out.



Monday, March 23, 2009

I know youre looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks But there aint no coupe de ville hiding at the bottom of a cracker jack box...

I have two vlogs to edit and upload. I'll get them up as soon as I can. My grandparents are over, now, so I'm currently hiding in my basement typing this. They don't have internet, so it's all good.

I passed the postman today and noticed he had headphones in. I wondered what he was listening to and came to the conclusion of Spice Girls.

My March Break was fairly enjoyable. The Saturday I had a dance showcase.

Sunday I slept in and then watched a photo shoot that Bob Perks set up with my mom for dance purposes. That was a lot of fun.

Monday I went shopping and I bought new converses. They are a bright turquoise. I love them. :)

Tuesday I worked 11-5. It was alright. Wednesday I went to the zoo!!! :D And I saw a baby baboon and a baby mandrill (sp?) and Orangutans and Komodo Dragons and Gorillas and etc etc. But the Llamas and Polar Bears exhibits are under construction...that was sad.

Thursday I wandered around the next local town over with a friend. And we drank apple juice and ate a peice of giant chocolate caramel explosion cake. (I wish I had a picture. It is on his cell phone.) We then proceeded to climb on the rocks by the lighthouse where we found a spot to stare out at the water and talk. It was good to spend time with them and our discussions are always interesting, if not somewhat strange, but I look forward to them. It then started to snow so we headed back to his house for dinner where we had lasagna and then ice cream. It was a very enjoyable day.

I also saw a dead seagull. Again, sadly, no picture. I need a cell phone with a camera... *sigh*

Friday I worked 11-7. 8 hours. Joy. But it was actually okay.

Saturday I had my hair cut because it was starting to go crazy werewolf-esque. I then worked 3-7.

Yesterday my gentleman companion came over and we watched Fight Club. What an excellent movie.

So that was my March Break. I went back to school today. It was long, tiring and boring. But what can one do...? Not much of anything at all. I find myself looking forward to my courses next year. Which should, hopfeully, be English, Writer's Craft, Musical Theatre, Drama, Grade 11 Art, Grade 12 Art, Data Management (because I need a Grade 12 math credit) and a Grade 11 Design Technology course. For possibly my last year of high school, I'm liking my choices. :)

But now... I have prolonged saying 'hello' to my paternal grandparents for too long... the upstairs is beckonging me. We are going out for dinner, tonight. Maybe I'll have something interesting to share after that excursion into public...hmm...

Till Next Time,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be In love with all of these vampires So you can leave like the sane abandoned me...

Nothing too interesting so far today. I worked 6 hours. Yay.

People are interesting creatures. I try not to be creepy, but I can't help but watch their interactions while they sit at a table where I work. The two girl friends chatting about life, or the couple who keep staring deep into each others eyes, or the elderly woman sitting by herself drinking her coffee. They all have stories that we can only see a short glimpse of. It's intriguing. Then again, I've always been a person who wondered where everyone else was driving to while I was sitting in the back seat of a car on the highway.

I guess I tend to think about others more than myself. Where random strangers are headed to rather than my own destinations...oh well.

It's St. Patrick's Day today. I wore black and neon lime green striped leggings, with my black jeans rolled up to my knees. Styling, without a doubt. And then a green t-shirt with a monster it saying 'roar'. And I tied some green ribbon to my crossword converse running shoes, and some green ribbon to my bobby pin that keeps my bangs out of my face. I was festive. I like being festive. But the next event isn't until Easter, which happens to be the weekend of my birthday. Joy.

My space heater keeps annoying me. If I turn it up as high as it can go, which is nice and warm, it shuts off the power bar it's plugged into after a bit of time because the plug heats up and starts to melt things or something. I don't probably is not safe, though, knowing my luck. Yet, if I have it a setting lower, I find it is not warm enough. I could go find a hoodie or a blanket I suppose to wear at my computer...yet that would require me actually making an effort.


I am planning on going to the zoo tomorrow. Hoping it will not rain. That would be absolutely awful and I shall curse the weather gods or whatnot. So! I am quite excited. I LOVE the zoo. Just do. I've practically grown up there. Tis always good fun. :) Above is a picture of me from a long time ago at the zoo. My love for dinosaurs is also showcased.

Anyways! I'm off to dinner.

Til Next Time.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me...


I haven't blogged in a really long time it seems. My sincerest apologies. I was focusing all of my time towards dance. But I was in the performance last night, so it's all good now. And I am currently on March Break, so it's even better. :)

Not too much going on, lately. I saw the Watchmen the Sunday of when it came out. It was fairly decent. I enjoyed it. Although, I have read the awesome graphic novel so I knew what was going to happen ahead of time. Yet, it was nice to see how close to the storyline it was. Except for how the changed the end around a bit. BUT, because I HATE spoilers, I won't say anything more.

I made blue Jello the other night. And then ate all of it in under 5 minutes, I think. It was wonderful. I no longer have Jello now, though, so I need to go buy some more. True story.

Walking to work the other day from school there was carpet rolled up in the middle of the road. I wondered whose it was and did they not realize they were missing a carpet.

The next day a man was trying to tie, what looked like some large sheet of plywood or something, I wasn't really paying attention, to the roof of his car with rope. He had the doors open and was tossing the rope over the object to the other side of his vehicle so he could pull it through. I was glad I was walking to work so that there would be no possibilities of me being hit by the man driving the car or what he had tied to it.

I ate a container of "No Name" pringles chips today. I only ate them because they weren't name brand. I will never eat "Pringles" again. One of my friends puked them up this one time at a party. They smell awful and look like insulation. Never again.

I might film a video blog today. I filmed one the other night, but it's not very good because I was really tired and just rambled on about crap. So...basically the usual. :)

Anyways, I'm going to go through some photos to put onto my photo blog because I've neglected it for ages. You can see it here.

'Til Next Time. Hopefully some time soon...


Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh simple thing where have you gone? I'm getting old and I need something to rely on. So tell me when you're gonna let me in

Good Evening.

I just got back from a date with my best friend, Ophelia. Her boyfriend, Zacky, is out of town for the weekend, and my gentleman companion wasn't feeling the best today, so, both of us, not really content to be sitting at home alone on a Friday night, decided to go to my house. There, we brooded, talked, shared stories and opinions and most importantly laughed, all the while scarfing down pretzels and bite size Tostitos chips.

We then consumed some pasta that my mom made for dinner and headed to the theatres where I was delighted to see that "He's Just Not That Into You" was playing. I pick only 1 chick flick a year to see in theatres and this was the I had picked. Yay!

Ophelia and I were at first amused, shocked and then slightly depressed to find characters that mimed our lives on the Hollywood big screen. SPOILERS BELOW. NOT THAT YOU ARE PROBABLY PLANNING ON WATCHING THIS MOVIE.

You've now been warned. SO! Ophelia's character was the nervous eater, obsessive compulsive one who couldn't find the guy who was 'into' her, and then it turned out that she had a happy ending with Justin Long's character who had been helping her out all along. Sweet. Endearing. Predictable. Tear jerking.

I, on the other hand, was the woman who was married and their husband cheats on them. He only married her because she sort of gave him an ultimatum. She tends to be a tad suspicious of his actions, but keeps it to herself, but then it builds up and causes her to have mini rants to random people with conversations that start off as one thing but end up talking about empty promises and lying and such. And then the husband tells the wife, in Home Depot, that he's had an affair, and because it's a public place she cannot freak at him. She then tries to solve the marriage by going to visit him at work, wear he has hidden his girlfriend in his closet. After she gets home, though, she finds out he has indeed been smoking again, even when he swore he had quit. Therefore, she throws all of his things down the stairs and smashes an ugly mirror. Which she then grabs a broom and dustpan to clean up. When he gets home there's a note for him on the stairs, where all of his things have been nicely arranged, that reads she wants a divorce. He then moves out and she's left seen starting her life over by hanging up a much nicer looking mirror.

Aka: My life predicted for me.

Hopefully, that will not be the case, but as Ophelia and I sat and watched this film, everything seemed too relatable.

Anyways, that's my little speil/vent/rant for tonight. I'm going to go read and listen to music... and try really hard not to question things in life too much. Instead, I think I shall just reminisce on my quite enjoyable date. Heh.



Monday, February 23, 2009

Feels like you made a mistake, You made somebody's heart break, But now I have to let you go, I have to let you go...

Evening to you all.

I had some tea and I think I feel worse. My sinuses are becoming stuffed up and a cough is developing... oh well... it's that time of the year, I suppose. As long as I do not get a sinus infection, I'll be fine.

I filmed a video blog about how many books I have truly started and never finished. Also, those that I have and have never opened. I'm in the process of loading it into iMovie. I'll have it onto YouTube later tonight if I don't go to bed before then.

I'm currently working on a 'graphic organizer' aka chart, for Sociology, it is due Wednesday, though, so I'm good. And tomorrow night I am going to see Slumdog Millionaire avec Carter (author of "Life of a Teenage Loser"). So that should be fun. Thursday I apparently have a bio test, and that should go okay. It's unfortunately more bio chemistry for this unit, but I'll manage.

I was snacking on Sweedish Berries and Pretzels. I swear I could eat my body weight in both of those unhealthy-ish foods. As well, my eyes are really itchy and I don't know why, so that is irriating.

Wendy's has this fish fillet type thing going on at the moment. I find it quite off putting, not only because I am not a huge fan of fish/seafood to begin with, but because it is a fast food industry. I try my hardest not to consume fast foods, and if I rarely ever do so it is roughly once every six months or so.

I have my space heater cranked up as high as it can go beside me and yet I still feel a tad cold, but I'm too lazy/tired to go find a blanket. So, I think I shall surf Facebook a bit and maybe add photos to my photo blog.

If I can stay awake that long...

If I lay here, If I just lay here, Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

A summary of the past little while:

Wednesday I had a lovely conversation with "Zac" (my best friend's boyfriend) after school before I walked to my guitar lesson. It was somewhat insightful, and if anything, quite amusing. My guitar lesson was good. I'm working on chords for "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan and "Fields of Gold" by Neil Young.

Thursday night I worked 4-7. That was bland and uneventful. I hate sweeping and mopping. I then went and worked on my dance routines upstairs at my mom's studio for a bit. They're coming along alright...I usually don't 'perfect' (because nothing is ever truly perfect) them until a week or two before the show. We have 3 weeks. Dance Mode will kick in soon.

Friday was Semi-Formal at my high school. It went well, and I had a lot of fun, despite some atrocious music that they played. Yet, that always happens, I shouldn't be surprised anymore by rap/hip-hop crap. Although, I still have hopes for DJ's to play at least ONE 80's song. Not one that is being sampled by Pop artists, these days.

Saturday I helped an elderly woman with her computer, so I had to get up at 9:00 am. I then walked around the small downtown area before heading to the beach and finding my regular spot on the rocks to sit and watch the lake. It soon became cold, though, so I decided to head to work an hour early. I then worked 2-7 and it felt like the longest 5 hours of my life. I then went home and did basically nothing, except clean my room a bit, before going to bed.

Sunday, work was open for the WinterFest going on downtown. So I was asked to work 11-2. Which meant no sleeping in this past weekend for me. Work went well, though, and I gained valuable experience, I believe. Nothing like the adrenaline rush of running around making coffees, ringing in the cash register, cleaning dishes, selling chocolates, wiping down tables, making small talk with customers, and then doing it all over again. My gentleman companion then came over and he schooled me at Mario Karts for the Nintendo Wii. I was not a fan of that, whatsoever. Then we watched Con Air and The Rock. Two Nicholas Cage movies in a row and our minds did not melt. I think that might be an accomplishment. Maybe...

Today is Monday. And it certainly feels like one. In second period today I developed a cold. And I am not a huge fan of being sick. This reminds me that I left my tea brewing upstairs and it has been brewing for a while now... damn... oh well... Also! I am without a dance class tonight because my mom had to take the dog to the vet. So, I'm hoping he feels better. My one friend was a bit bitchy at me today, too, but I talked to him and things seem to be at their usual, predictable stand still of no resolution to whatever conflicts there may be. I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer going to worry about this and I will simply allow him to deal with his issues/situations and if he would like to talk to me, I am all ears and willing to be friendly and supportive, if he needs that.

Anyways, I am going to go drink my tea. And possibly film a video blog. I'll probably blog again later tonight if I am not side tracked by praticing my guitar.

'til Next Time,


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Questions of science, Science and progress, Do not speak as loud as my heart.

Almost a week without a blog. How traumatizing.

To be honest, this past week has been a blur of school, homework, work and sleeping whenever I can fit it in. I worked Thursday, Friday and Saturday, which happened to be Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day pretty much met my expectations. I had one goal: for it to be better than last year's. Last year was spent watching Jumper in the theaters with three of my nerdy guy friends (one of whom is now my gentleman companion, weird how these things work out...). Anyways, about halfway through the movie I realized it was Valentine's Day. It had never bothered me before. I had viewed that day as simply just another regular day. Yet, for some reason, still unbeknownst to me, it did irk me. So my one friend, who's blog I follow (Teenage Loser) was one of these nerdy friends and he seemed to find my "goal" amusing, if not possibly pathetic. *If I have mistaken your feelings please correct me*.

So, I was quite pleased to have roses sent to me at work, since I was working an 8 hour shift of 10-6. Never again...I hope... That act made my day. It wasn't a dramatic moment where he walked in with them himself, (the women at my workplace would have teased/embarassed him, anyways) but he still sent them, which is possibly even sweeter. Thus forth, it was a better than last year.

I have also concluded a couple things that I never want involved in my job/career. I never want a 9-5 Mon-Fri type job. I don't really want a strict dress code or to wear high heeled shoes of any form. I can't walk in them. Nor run. Not that I run very often, but if I had to run, I would need to take them off and in the time needed to take them off that is when I'd be killed by whomever was causing the chaos that I needed to run from in the first place. Hence why I like Converses or no shoes, in general. I like a job that allowed me to sleep, to some degree. So at the moment I think I shall start my own company. I was talking with my best friend on the phone earlier and was debating about creating my own paint industry. The two debut colours shall be "Banana-Mango" and "Strawberry Peuce." Obviously.

Well, I have a Genograph to finish for Sociology. I'm using Photoshop to make it look pretty and colour co-ordinated. Yay.

'Til next time.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That long black cloud is comin' down. I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

'ello, 'ello.

SO...I finally got my G1 today! That's exciting.

AND...I started guitar lessons and I LOVE it. My fingers feel a little bruised at the moment, but I don't really mind. It's a lot of fun just strumming away learning the different chords. That's about as much as I know at the moment. :)

Not too much has gone on lately. I saw Gran Torino last night. It was a good movie, regardless of all of Clint Eastwood's racial slurs. That's just his character, though.

I'd love to just type and type away about whatever is on my mind, but I find my mind to be oddly blank at this exact moment. It is 8:09pm and I am uncharacteristically tired. Hmm...

I just hope I didn't catch any strange diseases from the driving centre where I wrote my test. It was that creepy, eerie, government building type sterile look: the uncomfortable, metal with holes in them chairs, the white walls, the fluorescent lights, and the unhappy people behind the counters who appear to hate their jobs. Unfortunately, the "sterile" part always seems overlooked and usually smells of cigarettes.

There was this white gangsta, "wangsta", in the written test area when I went in. And he had just failed his test and was muttering and complaining, and I couldn't help but laugh at him. And then he gave me a really dirty look. And I simply smiled politely at him. He was amusing.

The chairs were unformtable, with the small, flat area attached to the arm of the chair to write on. It reminded me of the scene in Men In Black when they people are all given the tests to write and no desk or flat surface. So, Will Smith's character gets up and grabs the table from the middle of the room. Except, sadly for me, there was no table for me drag across a room. Not today, at least...

So...I am going to do some print work for my mom, who needs poster's and ticket's designs tweeked a little. And then maybe play some more guitar.

'Til next time.
