Thursday, July 2, 2009

I can't believe you want to turn the page, And move your life onto another stage, You can change the chapter you can change the book...

...But the story remains the same if you'd take a look.

Good afternoon, everyone.

I just put The Hurting record by Tears For Fears on. Oh how I was probably born in the wrong era of music...

I haven't a blog since the last day of school. Not much has really taken place since then. I had Young Driver's in class lessons the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Somewhat mind numbing, but extremely useful. Saturday my best friend and I went decided to bike up to a local high school to run track. I realized how much I hate running, again. I thought I could grow to like it...but NO. There is nothing fulfilling about running in an oblong shape in the humid morning air. We then biked back down to the beach where it was really hot out.

I decided to tan. That turned into a hideous sunburn on my back and 75% of my body. It no longer hurts (6 days later) but is still fairly red. Joy. It's now peeling which is gross, yet interesting at the same time. Therefore Sunday I sat and watched Notting Hill, Chocolat, and The Sure Thing. I kept movement to a minimum and drank some lovely tea.

Monday I tried to be lazy but I ended up cleaning my room and then my dad rented Taken. Liam Neeson certainly kicks ass, I must say.

Yesterday was Canada Day. Hurray! My gentleman companion came over and we watched Darkman (which has Liam Neeson kicking ass). My dad then had us watch Cliffhanger with Sylvestor Stallone. It was a good bad-movie. The action was well done and the cinematography was cool, but plot and whatnot was pretty...well, crap. Still good, though.

I went to the Waterfront Festival today with me mum. I purchased pretty cool things.


Hermit Studios-Original Design Jewelry: I have a necklace. The pendant is circular and has both a Pentacle and the Goddess Moons on it in purples. I love it. Jeff was a very friendly interesting man whose wife does silk work. She dyes all of it herself. He also desgins tattoos. My mom had a wonderful chat with him.

Jammy Yang-Microcalligraphic Artisit: Sadly his business card does not have a website... BUT his work is spectacular! He paints on a single grain of rice. My necklace has my name on one side and a pentacle on the back. It is then put into a liquid, possibly water, in a capsule that goes on the necklace cord. It's absolutely fabulous. The skill required to do that is mind blowing! He was featured on Ripley's Believe It Or Not for piece he drew on a grain of rice. Look him up!

antiMatter-Quasi-science t-shirts & paraphernalia: Her work is so clever! She incorporates molecules onto shirts or tanks. Such as ethyl-alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, adrenaline, etc. I bought one that says Dark Matter. All of her shirts are science related which I thought was pretty awesome. The inner nerd in me, I suppose.

Su's Silk Art-Rick Tao: The adjectives I keep coming up with describe his silk art are simply understatements. My mom bought a piece from him which is beautiful. The talent and patience given towards his art is shown. Just click the link. Although seeing it in person is so much more meaningful.

Ten Thousand Villages: We have a store opening up on our main street of our town and I am planning on volunteering with them. I LOVE their mission statements. They support fair trade and the money from the retail purchased goes back to the artisans in their developing countires. It's a really good cause and their products that they carry are wonderful. I bought a journal and it's cover is made from wood. I can never have enough of those. (Side note: I need to srtart writing, again)

Stanford Photography-Tim Stanford: I had a nice chat with Mr. Stanford about photography in general because I was looking at his work and happened to have my camera Jerry slung around my neck. He seems like a wonderful gentleman and I've browsed through his site and he has some really nice shots. I LOVE capturing details in life and he has some beautiful shots with lots of vibrant colour photos.

I should probably really update my photo blog... I think I'll do that after this blog.

I've Learned:

-Many things about driving in the past couple of days. Ground view, scan interesctions left, center, right, mirror, cover break and horn, avoid rear collisions, etc, etc.

-I am still such an academic. I recieved the highest mark in the class on the test for Young Driver's with 94%. I was proud of myself.

-There is nothing comparable to the sound of dead flesh peeling off. Thank-you healng sunburn.

-Free frozen yogurt is much better than paying for it.

-It's really difficult for four family members to agree on a movie to watch.

-I should never try to tan ever again.

- Staying up late and sleeping in is more fun than it should be.

-I'm only going to be young once so I figure it's best to eat all the crap I can now before my metbolism slows down. Ex: Donuts at ten o'clock at night, Cinnabons or cake for breakfast/lunch, a bag of pretzels in one day, Kraft Singles cheese on burgers. Not all in one day, though. That would make me really sick.

-Batman: The Animated Series was quite dark for me to watch as a child. But I still love it even at age 17.

-I don't like unresolved conflicts. They bother me. I'm a problem solver.


I need to print off more photos for my photo wall, seriously update my photoblog, re-boil the kettle for tea and update my twitter!

Also! My good friend who writes Life of a Teenage Loser has been writing poetry non-stop for the past couple of days! He also has a Twitter account. Feel free to follow him. He's toying with the idea of writing a book of poetry. I am greatly excited! I am also working on a photgraphy book. But we shall see... My blobmonster drawings may resurface instead... too many creative energies... not enough time to focus all of them...

Anyways! Off to hopefully do those things if I can remember...sticky notes ftw.

'Til Next Time!