Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things get damaged Things get broken I thought we'd manage But words left unspoken Left us so brittle...

... There was so little left to give.

It was the last day of Grade Eleven for me today. It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. It's absolutely beautiful to not be stressed. With other things going on in my life (no job, being able to sleep in, photo excursions planned, awesome, entertaining friends, and a caring gentleman companion willing to drive me around in his truck) I am feeling quite content. I'm happy.

My drama monologue worked out fine. I got 87%, so that's not too shabby. :) Was able to stand on a desk and shout and throw and kick things, so it worked out for me.

I went to a friend's party tonight. There was a few people who I hadn't met before, but we all got along really well and many good laughs and hilarious moments. It was sort of sad (in a pathetic way) when my best friend turned to me, when we were all in a room gaming, and said: "I think is the largest amount of friends we have ever had."

It was definitely true.

But I laughed.

I've learned...

-Teenage guys must show signs of homosexuality in order to prove their hetero-ness. (or so that happens within my circle of friends)

-That I enjoy keeping in touch with former teachers.

-That the bent arm of my sunglasses can actually be fixed with a bit of patience.

-These are probably going to be some of the best moments in my life and I am going to cherish them.

-Some people are self-absorbed, uncaring jerks who can't take a hint. (I've realized this a long time ago, but it was re-proven to me)

-Because I don't like peanut butter, that bothers people (why...?)

-My hair will probably need to be cut before my scheduled appointment on July 16th.

-No more school until September, which could be my last year of high school! (I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad...I'll decide much closer to the date)


Also, I seriously need to start up my stick note/white board tendencies again to remember everything I have to do and when...ugh...

Despite my nocturnal tendencies, I do need some sleep.
