Thursday, June 18, 2009

I think I'll go to Boston, I think that I'm just tired I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...


Just a quick blog while I take a short break from putting the finishing touches on my Sociology paper. It's pretty crappy, I think, but it's better than a 0 for 30% of my final mark for the course. Yay.

I had my Bio exam today. It went okay... One of the questions was a fill in the blank and it asked something along the lines of "What is the offspring called when two different species breed together? ex. horse and donkey". My answer was 'mutant'. It should probably be 'hybrid'. Fabulous. :D

My courses for next year are freaking awesome! Media studies, Grade 11 Art, Co-op, Grade 12 English. And then: Grade 12 Art, Writer's Craft (E-Learning), Musical Theatre and Grade 12 Drama!

I was talking to Carter and my ex-science/physics teacher (he teaches IB which I am no longer in) about my courses and the teacher asked me if I had my driver's license. I said, no, not yet but I will. His response was: "Good, because you'll be delivering a lot of pizza." Apparently he has no appreciation for the arts and therefore needed to criticize my choices. Oh well... I was taken a back at first but just shrugged it off.

I've started to focus a bit more time on guitar playing. It's quite enjoyable.

Anyways! I have to get back to my homework. Only 2 more exams to go before driving courses start and then summer! Sociology on Monday and Drama on Tuesday. Shouldn't be too bad.

I recently got a twitter: UniquelyLANA. Follow me, if you'd like. :)

Til next time,