Sunday, June 21, 2009

He caught me looking then but soon his eyes forgot and everything he seems to do reflects just another shade of blue. I saw him searching into you...

...and ached a while...

I have been in a really good mood since Friday, which is wonderful. I've been so stressed lately that I haven't had time to enjoy being content. Which is sad...

I had recently found our 35 year old turn table in the basement, but it stopped working. :(

My dad bought a new one yesterday, though! So I've been playing the vinyl while hanging in my basement.

I rolled out of bed at noon yesterday and decided to clean the rec room/play room/basement of my house. I vacuumed and dusted a bit. Put all the dvd's and wii discs back in their cases. Honestly, I have no idea how hard it is for people to just put them back int heir case! It's irking.

I then moved my desk and all computer stuff to the other side of the room, and moved the desk that had been their to where my stuff had been. So I have a nice corner to work in now with an antique floor lamp that I bought for $45 last weekend. I got it for half price! I love sales. :)

Only two more exams left, still. I should be going over Sociology notes or memorizing my drama monologue, right now. I will. Soon.

I've come up with a list of things I want (would like to do) this summer:

-Not sleep in as much, but still be able to stay up late (not sure how this will work out)

-Rent a cottage for a bit of time.

-Write a play.

-Take photos everyday that will enhance my photography portfolio.

-Do yoga everyday.

-Have track running almost every day. (Help stay in shape for rugby in the fall)

-Maybe get a gym membership. Just for the summer.

-Learn some songs on the guitar.

-Find a way to make money without having a job. (Not sure how to accomplish this one)

-Volunteer at the Ten Thousand Villages store opening up soon in the downtown.

-Go outside everyday.

-Write more. In general.

-Draw more, as well.

-Try to finish a book a week. (It's possible when I have the time. I think...)

-Be happy. Enjoy life. Learn something new everyday. Stay in touch with my friends.

-Learn to drive well through lessons.

-NOT drive into more curbs, swerve into on coming traffic, or turn not sharply enough so I'm stuck in the middle of a road. (Good times...good times... Note to self: Driving IRL is not like Mario Karts, sadly enough.)

-Purchase a Lava Lamp.

-***CLEAN MY ROOM*** (I'm hoping to do that tomorrow after school. I'll keep you updated on that.)


-Indulge in life's simple pleasures. Whether they be sitting at sunset at the beach, or eating ice cream, or dancing in the rain, or hugs from a friend, or seeing an awful movie that you can laugh at later, or discovering a new band, or walking barefoot through the streets....or not having a job so I can do all of those things. :)

I think I'll make a common thing on each post of things I learn every day., so far:

What I Have Learned/Realized

-Creating a defense system for your room (by not cleaning it so there is a narrow pathway from door to bed) can go against you if you leave your dresser door open for your hip to bash into.

-Picking at a scratch on your sunglasses will not make it go away.

-Your upper abs WILL hurt the next day if you haven't done crunches in a while.

-I hate crunches.

-My sister doesn't care if I attend her Grade 8 grad or not.

-I tend to care much more than others about everything.

-I really miss House. And would like to come back on ASAP.

-Men do not read instructions. If men read instructions then women possibly wouldn't know so much about everything.

-The best type of frozen yogurt is free frozen yogurt.

-I need to invest in a label maker.

-I don't want to grow up.


Anyways! I have to go flip the Yaz record I'm currently listening to and go over exam notes. Joy.

I'm hopefully dancing on the beach with other women from the dance studio or the community to music provided by (I think they are Sudanese) drummers. It shall be a blast, providing it doesn't rain...hmm...

I wish everyone a Happy Father's Day! And an enjoyable Litha! (Summer Solstice)

Until Next Time,