Monday, June 22, 2009

I don't want to be adored for what I merely represent to you, I don't want be your babysitter you're a very big boy now I don't want to be your mother

...I didn't carry you in my womb for 9 months...

I wrote my Sociology exam today. It went well. There were some questions about an ancient Chinese myth about the stages of women's lives or something? I looked at the page and picked a letter for the multiple choice and went 'ya, sure let's go with this one'. I hate, yet love, multiple guess at the same time.

I am in the process between deciding on a drama monologue for my exam tomorrow. Ugh... But it's the last day of school tomorrow! Yay! And then I have Young Driver's in class lessons Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Tuesday. Yay, but also not so yay because I will then be inside from 9-4 those days...but I'll manage.

I need to e-mail a woman back about volunteering for playwrighting/helping out with drama camps. I keep forgetting to...gah...

I am going to a friend's partay tomorrow after guitar lessons! I am excited! We are going to chill and play video games and she's flown our friend who moved to Vancouver back for a little bit, which is wonderful!

After my exam today I hung out with my gentleman companion and two of our guy friends. We went to Subway, then drove to a friend's house where he told us we couldn't hangout because of his sister's graduation to we walked across the street and swung on some swings that were there.

We then drove back to the other side of town my chill at my place where we played Mario Karts Wii, Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Party 8. Good times... MP8 is really trippy, though.

But Wii games become less fun after a while, especially because the guys like violence and shooting games and I don't have any of those for the Wii. So we went gallivanting to another park by my house and swung on those swings before walking back because we all just wanted to go crash back at our own houses. It was sunny outside and none of us were really used to that with being at school or living in our cool, dark, basements.

Today I Learned

-That when on a swing, your friend can kick your other friend's shoe so that it will almost hit the play structure that you are sitting on.

-It's okay to wear two different coloured converses.

-I like clipping flowers into my hair.

-My one friend always seems to need to go pee when outside.

-That it's quite entertaining to change the speed setting on a turn table to 44's instead of the regular speed when listening to AC/DC's Back in Black album.

-For some reason my mother continues to make food I do not like. Ex: Chicken strips and wedge fries on a cookie sheet. Why do we not have non-frozen food?

From Last Night After My Blog:

-Dancing on the beach to live drummers is good for my soul.

-Your body will probably feel slightly stiff after dancing for three hours on the beach.

-Mosquittos are out to get me. My hand is all swollen up so is my wrist. And my eye was swollen two weeks ago.

-I am pretty much nocturnal.


I am off to go find some form of dinner for myself.

'Til next time.
