Monday, February 23, 2009

If I lay here, If I just lay here, Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

A summary of the past little while:

Wednesday I had a lovely conversation with "Zac" (my best friend's boyfriend) after school before I walked to my guitar lesson. It was somewhat insightful, and if anything, quite amusing. My guitar lesson was good. I'm working on chords for "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan and "Fields of Gold" by Neil Young.

Thursday night I worked 4-7. That was bland and uneventful. I hate sweeping and mopping. I then went and worked on my dance routines upstairs at my mom's studio for a bit. They're coming along alright...I usually don't 'perfect' (because nothing is ever truly perfect) them until a week or two before the show. We have 3 weeks. Dance Mode will kick in soon.

Friday was Semi-Formal at my high school. It went well, and I had a lot of fun, despite some atrocious music that they played. Yet, that always happens, I shouldn't be surprised anymore by rap/hip-hop crap. Although, I still have hopes for DJ's to play at least ONE 80's song. Not one that is being sampled by Pop artists, these days.

Saturday I helped an elderly woman with her computer, so I had to get up at 9:00 am. I then walked around the small downtown area before heading to the beach and finding my regular spot on the rocks to sit and watch the lake. It soon became cold, though, so I decided to head to work an hour early. I then worked 2-7 and it felt like the longest 5 hours of my life. I then went home and did basically nothing, except clean my room a bit, before going to bed.

Sunday, work was open for the WinterFest going on downtown. So I was asked to work 11-2. Which meant no sleeping in this past weekend for me. Work went well, though, and I gained valuable experience, I believe. Nothing like the adrenaline rush of running around making coffees, ringing in the cash register, cleaning dishes, selling chocolates, wiping down tables, making small talk with customers, and then doing it all over again. My gentleman companion then came over and he schooled me at Mario Karts for the Nintendo Wii. I was not a fan of that, whatsoever. Then we watched Con Air and The Rock. Two Nicholas Cage movies in a row and our minds did not melt. I think that might be an accomplishment. Maybe...

Today is Monday. And it certainly feels like one. In second period today I developed a cold. And I am not a huge fan of being sick. This reminds me that I left my tea brewing upstairs and it has been brewing for a while now... damn... oh well... Also! I am without a dance class tonight because my mom had to take the dog to the vet. So, I'm hoping he feels better. My one friend was a bit bitchy at me today, too, but I talked to him and things seem to be at their usual, predictable stand still of no resolution to whatever conflicts there may be. I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer going to worry about this and I will simply allow him to deal with his issues/situations and if he would like to talk to me, I am all ears and willing to be friendly and supportive, if he needs that.

Anyways, I am going to go drink my tea. And possibly film a video blog. I'll probably blog again later tonight if I am not side tracked by praticing my guitar.

'til Next Time,
