Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh simple thing where have you gone? I'm getting old and I need something to rely on. So tell me when you're gonna let me in

Good Evening.

I just got back from a date with my best friend, Ophelia. Her boyfriend, Zacky, is out of town for the weekend, and my gentleman companion wasn't feeling the best today, so, both of us, not really content to be sitting at home alone on a Friday night, decided to go to my house. There, we brooded, talked, shared stories and opinions and most importantly laughed, all the while scarfing down pretzels and bite size Tostitos chips.

We then consumed some pasta that my mom made for dinner and headed to the theatres where I was delighted to see that "He's Just Not That Into You" was playing. I pick only 1 chick flick a year to see in theatres and this was the I had picked. Yay!

Ophelia and I were at first amused, shocked and then slightly depressed to find characters that mimed our lives on the Hollywood big screen. SPOILERS BELOW. NOT THAT YOU ARE PROBABLY PLANNING ON WATCHING THIS MOVIE.

You've now been warned. SO! Ophelia's character was the nervous eater, obsessive compulsive one who couldn't find the guy who was 'into' her, and then it turned out that she had a happy ending with Justin Long's character who had been helping her out all along. Sweet. Endearing. Predictable. Tear jerking.

I, on the other hand, was the woman who was married and their husband cheats on them. He only married her because she sort of gave him an ultimatum. She tends to be a tad suspicious of his actions, but keeps it to herself, but then it builds up and causes her to have mini rants to random people with conversations that start off as one thing but end up talking about empty promises and lying and such. And then the husband tells the wife, in Home Depot, that he's had an affair, and because it's a public place she cannot freak at him. She then tries to solve the marriage by going to visit him at work, wear he has hidden his girlfriend in his closet. After she gets home, though, she finds out he has indeed been smoking again, even when he swore he had quit. Therefore, she throws all of his things down the stairs and smashes an ugly mirror. Which she then grabs a broom and dustpan to clean up. When he gets home there's a note for him on the stairs, where all of his things have been nicely arranged, that reads she wants a divorce. He then moves out and she's left seen starting her life over by hanging up a much nicer looking mirror.

Aka: My life predicted for me.

Hopefully, that will not be the case, but as Ophelia and I sat and watched this film, everything seemed too relatable.

Anyways, that's my little speil/vent/rant for tonight. I'm going to go read and listen to music... and try really hard not to question things in life too much. Instead, I think I shall just reminisce on my quite enjoyable date. Heh.

