Sunday, February 8, 2009

Judging by the look on the organ-grinder, He'll judge me by the fact that my face don't fit.

Good Afternoon.

I woke up 12:30-ish today. Such a lovely time to wake up. I then proceeded to make myself some scrambled eggs (with cheese) and toast. I love cheese. And, before I knew it, I was sitting in front of my always welcoming computer screen with my space heater turned on because it is cold in my basement and I forgot to put socks on.

I went bowling last night. Which was a good time. And then we went and had some food and dessert at a local restaurant. I had a very interesting conversation. My boss and his wife are such wonderful, intellectual, intriguing people. I learn something new every time I talk with them.

One of our topics was on being successful. And this caused me to start thinking, once I was home, last night. That 'success' is all about how one perceives it. And, then to be 'successful' is a different genre of its own. Some people may feel that to be successful means you have a house, a family, money, and a nice car. Others may simply feel that success is accomplishing a task or goal that makes you happy. Regardless, that caused me to think that people must judge others an awful lot. Not necessarily in a negative way, but in general. Everyone is guilty at looking at someone's life and thinking, "What are they doing with their life? They are not going to be successful doing [insert whatever random job/career/etc here]." BUT that is by going with what each of us feels makes one successful. Our individual definitions get in the way of simply accepting people.

In my personal opinion, I feel that to be successful means that you are accomplishing something that makes you happy, yet still provides for whatever needs you have (such as food, water, shelter, clothing, etc.).

Although, like I said, everyone's definition is usually tailored to their own beliefs and interests. So, that said, who are we to say whether Mr. Yacht Money Bags is more successful than Mr. Rock Star or Mrs. Fantasy Wizard Writer is more successful than Mrs. Random Vampire Romance?

It all comes down to money.

Or so it seems. Which is unfortunate because success shouldn't be accessed by that.

On a different note entirely:

I am losing faith in the radio. I swear every station has Ryan Secreast on it. He must be taking over the world. It's really starting to frustrate me.

And, in my Sociology class the other day my teacher mentioned the polygamy going on in Bountiful, BC. There's an article here. But what really made me confused was when she mentioned there was a term for a woman with multiple husbands. Polyandry (thank-you wikipedia) is when a woman with more than one husband.

Now, why? Why would a woman want more than one? Unless, there was one to clean, one to shop, one to vaccuum (separate from cleaning), one who liked to shoe shop (a division in the sport of shopping), one who liked to do dishes, one who enjoyed fancy nights out, and one who'd rather spend nights in watching movies, and maybe one to do laundry. Although, I like to to do my own laundry because the detergents usually smell really nice. My mom just bought an apple mango scented one.

But, do you see my point? Wouldn't having multiple spouses just be problematic? And for the men with many wives, it bothers me that women would allow this to happen. I suppose when it is a part of one's beliefs, religion and culture it is difficult to see an alternative.

Just my thoughts so far for today.

Anyways, homework is beckoning me.
