Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here comes the rain again Falling on my head like a memory Falling on my head like a new emotion I want to walk in the open wind...

I want to talk like lovers do...

No one else seems to be awake in my house, yet, and it's 11:28am. Weird.

I started reading Dead Until Dark, the first book of the Sookie Stackhouse series. HBO's True Blood is based off of it. So far it's really enjoyable. I'll write about it when I finish it. ...I just laughed at that myself. But, I will actually read this one from cover to cover. Just you see...

We rely so heavily upon technology these days.

When my cell phone can't get service and I wave it about my basement until my texts send, I find this normal. And then I start to think about it. Everyone wants to be in touch with everyone as quickly and effeciently as possible. Writing a letter is basically dead. Telephoning someone is frowned upon by my own peer group. E-mail is also not always the best means of communication in case someone doesn't check their inbox in time. Instant messaging works if you have a program. But you don't always want to be on your computer to access it. Facebook messaging only works because are addicted to that website. Twitter is getting there. Texting is effective, but you need service and hope that the other person has their phone on them and turned on.

It makes sense for us (as a society) to have this need to be in contact with people almost instantly and all of the time. We're busy and want to keep everyone informed. Schedules get changed so people need to be contacted. Or for sending files instead of having to fax them. There are tons of benefits that we experience daily because we use most (if not all) of these methods.

But what are the consequences?

School system wise, spelling is effected, possibly oral communication, as well. And most definitely handwriting/cursive, is in a decline. It's obsolete for me, at least. My penmanship was never the best, but it's horrid, now. Word processors have taken over and they have 'spell check', too.

IF the technology we are using malfunctions/starts a war against us/stops working in general, what are we going to do? How are we going to function? Obviously we'll adapt...eventually. The widescale effect of that is frightening, though. Contact with the other side of the world? Gone. Access to information on the internet always at your fingertips? Finito. Being able to work from home? Laughable. Knowing what movies are playing at your local theatre while on your smart phone? Ha ha ha. No.

We rely so heavily upon these modern advances. Especially the internet. I mean, it's the coolest thing in the world, it has answers to everything, and access to all of our favourite social networking sites and torrents!


Kids used to go outside and play until the street lights came on. They didn't spend their free time in front of the bright screens of a computer or a television. On rainy days, such as today, you'd sit and colour, paint or write...

As I was finished that last sentence, the hydro went out at my house.
How convenient? So I drew some pictures, and read a little. And now that it's back on, I thought I should hit "publish post". :)