Monday, March 23, 2009

I know youre looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks But there aint no coupe de ville hiding at the bottom of a cracker jack box...

I have two vlogs to edit and upload. I'll get them up as soon as I can. My grandparents are over, now, so I'm currently hiding in my basement typing this. They don't have internet, so it's all good.

I passed the postman today and noticed he had headphones in. I wondered what he was listening to and came to the conclusion of Spice Girls.

My March Break was fairly enjoyable. The Saturday I had a dance showcase.

Sunday I slept in and then watched a photo shoot that Bob Perks set up with my mom for dance purposes. That was a lot of fun.

Monday I went shopping and I bought new converses. They are a bright turquoise. I love them. :)

Tuesday I worked 11-5. It was alright. Wednesday I went to the zoo!!! :D And I saw a baby baboon and a baby mandrill (sp?) and Orangutans and Komodo Dragons and Gorillas and etc etc. But the Llamas and Polar Bears exhibits are under construction...that was sad.

Thursday I wandered around the next local town over with a friend. And we drank apple juice and ate a peice of giant chocolate caramel explosion cake. (I wish I had a picture. It is on his cell phone.) We then proceeded to climb on the rocks by the lighthouse where we found a spot to stare out at the water and talk. It was good to spend time with them and our discussions are always interesting, if not somewhat strange, but I look forward to them. It then started to snow so we headed back to his house for dinner where we had lasagna and then ice cream. It was a very enjoyable day.

I also saw a dead seagull. Again, sadly, no picture. I need a cell phone with a camera... *sigh*

Friday I worked 11-7. 8 hours. Joy. But it was actually okay.

Saturday I had my hair cut because it was starting to go crazy werewolf-esque. I then worked 3-7.

Yesterday my gentleman companion came over and we watched Fight Club. What an excellent movie.

So that was my March Break. I went back to school today. It was long, tiring and boring. But what can one do...? Not much of anything at all. I find myself looking forward to my courses next year. Which should, hopfeully, be English, Writer's Craft, Musical Theatre, Drama, Grade 11 Art, Grade 12 Art, Data Management (because I need a Grade 12 math credit) and a Grade 11 Design Technology course. For possibly my last year of high school, I'm liking my choices. :)

But now... I have prolonged saying 'hello' to my paternal grandparents for too long... the upstairs is beckonging me. We are going out for dinner, tonight. Maybe I'll have something interesting to share after that excursion into public...hmm...

Till Next Time,
