Monday, March 30, 2009

Her green plastic watering can For her fake Chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth. That she bought from a rubber man...

Good Evening to you all.

I have filmed nothing recently and have felt absolutely exhausted and drained of energy for the last couple days. Yet here I am typing away at 10 at night. What am I doing...?

Friday I participated in the 30 Hour Famine. It raises money to feed children in countries that need it. (ie: Africa). 30 dollars feeds a child for a month. It's a good cause and I've participated in it for 3 years now. Each year consists of not eating for 30 hours (obviously, because of the title of the event) and sleeping over at the school. Activities take place, like watching movies, having card games, playing games in the gym or just simply chillin'. And then we play manhunt around 11:00 at night (which turns into tag, basically) through the halls of our school, with some of the hallways having their lights out. It's a fair bit of fun. My group of friends and I stayed up until curfew, yet another year, that being 3:00 AM. Lack of sleep and fasting. What a beautiful combonation.

Saturday, with only 4 hours a sleep and having consumed a bagel with butter and creamcheese, I proceeded to volunteer with a woman who I help with her computer (a lovely elderly lady who's quite caring) at 10:00 AM. I then worked 12-7. Before driving an hour away to watch a dance performance. I got home at 10:something PM. And I was also told that morning that my cat (he was 18 and becoming quite decrepid) had been euthanized while I was at the Famine because he had a heart attack. Saturday was a very long day, to say the least. But I bought myself cupcakes. So it was all good. :)

Sunday, I woke up at 11:00 AM and managed to roll out of bed to get ready to go to a baby shower for one of my co-workers. It was interesting being the youngest person there. But enjoyable nonetheless. She recieved some really nice gifts for her baby boy.

Today, I got up at 7:30. Hurriedly ate an Apple Spice muffin (my mom does the groceries) and got ready for school. I then went to school.

What I learned today at school:

  • It can (and will) snow in Canada where I live in the end of March.
  • Having an 'Assign and Dismiss' first period, so that I don't have Biology, feels good.
  • I had 5 overdue library books which I finally returned today.
  • As I walked into the library to return them, I noticed people setting up for a conference and thought "Why didn't they put a sign up to say the library was closed?" As I exited the library I then saw the sign on the door. I can't read. And that made me disappointed with myself.
  • Life isn't long enough to do everything you want to do.
  • It also isn't long enough to go out of your way to try and please everyone. No matter what you do, not everyone will be happy with how you act. You just need to embrace that fact and carry on.
  • I go out of my way not to disappoint or upset others. This tends to cause more issues for myself. I tell myself that it's okay. But really, there are times where I'd love to tell people to just gtfo.
  • Proxies are a wonderful thing to find at school.
  • I really enjoy reading the posts on
  • RingPops work as a makedo engagement ring.
  • I think that if I ignore people long enough they will just go away...
  • My English/Sociology teacher talks a lot.
  • Drama class keeps me sane. Whereas 'drama' brings me closer to the brink of insanity.
  • The comics on xckd are quite entertaining.
  • Twilight makes me frustrated, sad and irrate. I read them before other people did. Please stop obessesing over the books? They are poorly written (yet an easy read that sucks you in as a reader) and will NEVER rival that of Harry Potter. I liked them when I read them the first time. Upon re-reading them, it was a painful experience. And the last book was so cliche and anti-climatic that I cried out of disappointment rather than emotional connections to the saga.
  • I also realized that I'm glad to have the gentleman companion that I do. He makes me happy.
I'm sure I learned a lot more than that. Notice, though, how none of them are course or curriculumn related? odd...

Anyways! I am on a school trip tomorrow to a French Film Festival. We have an hour(not enough time!) to shop at this very nice mall before seeing the movie and then having lunch at some restaurant. For 30 bucks I was willing to have the day off of school. This is what I do come second semester: I try and get onto as many trips as I can. So far, I'm doing pretty good. I'm just not going on the Rugby Tour to New Brunswick in April because I didn't want to get hurt in a distant province. But I am going on the Arts Department trip to Boston in May, so it all works out.

I should probably go to bed... I'm still reading The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson, though, so we'll see how that works out.

