Sunday, May 31, 2009

If I died in your arms, would you then give me your love? Would you tell me that you need me...and that I was the one?

I haven't posted in over a week! Not that anyone cares...

The poetry night went really well. I read first, and I was told that I have a lovely rhythm when I read that is soothing to the soul (or something alone those lines). That's a good compliment, I suppose.

Boston was a blast! The bus ride wasn't too bad. We were by Fenway Park around 6, that night, I think. My group of friends and I had Frappuccinos and decadent ice cream from The Cold Stone for dinner. Best. Dinner. Ever. So. Far. From there we went to the 5 Wits Interactive Egyptian Tomb. That was pretty sweet.

The hotel was really nice. We were on the 9th floor(the top floor), which also had a pool on it...that midly concerned me. The next morning we had complimentary breakfast. I had Apple Jacks (dry) and apple juice. I was hoping for Froot Loops, but no such luck.

We then went to Salem. That town has something special about it with the cobblestone streets and the themed stores. We went to the Salem Witch Museum, where I spent money. And my friends and I bought Kanye West type glasses, which we have turned into the Cult of the Crazy Sunglasses and created a group on Facebook for us. :)

We walked around Salem and found this awesome store where I purchased an Edgar Allan Poe action figure. Jesus, a Crazy Cat Lady and Vincent Van Gogh with interchangable head were also bought by various friends. :D

From Salem we went to the Museum of Fine Arts. It was alright. They had a cool musical instruments section. I bought a stationairy set with pictures of Fancy French Hats on them.

We went back to the hotel to get ready for the Blue Man Group. We had dinner at the Pour House, a cozy bar type setting. The Blue Man group was phenominal. It's hard to put into words, you have to be there. Their comments on society are so deep and through the alienation formed by using Bretchian techniques, the show really makes you think. The comedy throughout had perfect timing but allowed you to open your mind as to what they were trying to get across. Not to mention the music and their drumming skills which were fantastic!

The next day we went to the New England aquarium, where I got some cool shots. We also visited Quincey Market and Faneuil Hall. I love the cobblestone streets and the older parts of Boston that we walked through later that night. We went whale watching as well, where we saw Finwhales and Humpback whales. I got pictures! :D

We ate at Hard Rock Cafe that night. And then went on our walking tour. We left at 8 the next morning and were back around 6. So we made good time.

And then I had to be back at school for 8 for Link Crew training. We went to this beautiful lake north of Peterborough and I had a lot of fun, regardless of the fact that I was exhausted.

We got back Wednesday after school. Where I helped set up for Music Night. And then needed to be back at the school for 6:30. The performances were all really well done.

Thursday I slept until 1:30 and then did homework. I went to school Friday to learn I had a lot of homework to do. I spent Friday night eating ice cream and doing practically nothing. Yesterday I danced for 7 hours. And then I woke up today at 12:30 and went "Frig...I have homework to do."

And that resulted in me writing this blog. :)

I was going to film one, because I have a lot of new friends to share. But my video camera is at a friend's house because he needed it for filming that he never did. Fricking Zac Efron...


I have a Drama ISU for the history of theatre waiting to be tackled. Two different sociology projects and something for Bio...I think...

Until Next Time.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

'Cos I Don't Know Who I Am Without You, All I Know Is That I Should...

I hate this week. I'm only at school for three days this week and I'm not enjoying it.

I have 3 different projects to finish tonight before I leave for Boston. And I need to do laundry, as well...ugh...

Tomorrow night I am reading at the poetry night. My gentleman companion does not want to attend, though, and this makes me disgruntled? Am I asking too much of him? If he had events I would willingly go to them. And we've been together for 6 months yesterday, so I'm not I expecting way too much? I know he doesn't like poetry, and hasn't been feeling well lately, but aren't you supposed to be supportive of the other person in your relationship? Or I could just be delusional, why would someone go out of their way and do something that they obviously don't want to do?

But I digress...

I think I may have a sinus infection, and I'm somewhat sleep deprived. Joy.

Nothing too exciting except there were anti abortion people out in front of our high school yesterday. I took a picture. I'll post it later.

I just saw the new Harry Potter trailer. Freaking awesome. I hope it's better than the fifth one. That one was awful. By "dark" they just didn't turn any lights on at all.

Anyways, homework is calling me.


Ps: To the writer of "Methodless Madness", you are more than welcome for the birthday wishes. :)

Posted with LifeCast

Monday, May 18, 2009

I've Got A Really Bad Disease, Its Got Me Begging In My Hands And Knees

Today was a good day. One of my best Mondays by far. The majority of my friends and I got together to do some filming for Zac's media studies project, which is a short film. It was a lot if fun. We still have some more shots for a different, but with what we got today it was a couple hours well spent. We got some weird looks from the people walking their dogs in the dog park, though...but we needed the woods. :)

And then we played some Mario Karts Wii back at my house. I fail...and I own the game and play somewhat often...grr...

I filmed a vlog, but I didn't like the location...and the startup disk in my computer us low. So...I need to clean it up before adding more stuff to it . Which sort of sucks.

I have school for 3days before leaving for Boston. I'm excited. For once. And I have American money, so it's all good. But it's so boring compared to our Canadian money(aka monopoly money). Colour is a good thing to have, it helps differentiate between the bills. And I will miss the loonie and toonie while away for those couple days...1dollar bills are simply irritating to me. I can see how they are better than carrying a lot of coin, yet coupled with being the same green as the others, they get mistaken for different amounts.

I need to write some more poetry for Thursday night, so I'm off to be creative and then sleep. Hope you all had a good long weekend. :)

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, May 17, 2009

But Then Again Mike Newton Doesnt Know What Chivalry Is, So I Guess Ill Check Out This Edward Cullen…

I love sleeping in. It's such a wonderfully blissful thing to wake up when you need to instead of when you have by alarms going off.

It's the long weekend and I'm spending it doing homework because I'm missing that week of school.

And I like to go out and about Sundays. I wanted to do some photography, but it's cloudy and overcast so the shots I were planning probably won't happen... Meh...

I'm reading at a poetry night Thursday. I'm excited for that. If find people tend to like poetry or they don't. But then for those who like it, no one ever lives every single published peice. I can only read so much from certain authors before feeling like my brain will explode.

School is done in about a month I believe. That's something to look forward to. And then I'm taking Young Drivers so i can get a cut in insurance and learn proper driving skills.

Has anyone listened to the new Green Day album? It's sounds like Green Day, but some of the phrasing reminds me of My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album, just slightly. And I swear they've stolen some guitar licks again... But I love how it's a concept album, it tells a story. These albums are disappearing, I think, so it's refreshing to see/hear them.

I'm going on a quest today to see if our turntable is in our laundry room... I feel like breaking out the vinyl. Our record store downtown has CDs but also a large collection of vinyl, it's an awesome place. The only other place to buy CDs is Walmart or our slowly dying Zellers. But I haven't bought a cd in months. U can't even remember which one it was... I've taken to iTunes if I like the artist enough to give them money. But if I feel they are just catchy, or want some "popular" music, I'll download it. And now with some of the songs being 1.29 or such on iTunes, that's just irritating.

Anyways, I'm going to go find some breakfast and then begin my day of homework.

Also, happy birthday to the writer of the blog "Methodless Madness", have a great day. :)

Until next time,


Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hey There Coffee Girl, So Beautiful And Disaffected. It Was Perfect 'Till He Came Along And Wrecked It.

So! I haven't written a blog in way too long. While I wait for my video of "He's Just Not That Into You" to buffer, I shall type.

School is starting to get hectic. Lots of tests and projects coming up. The usual and whatnot with it being almost June. With my goal of trying to get on as many trips as possible, I have accomplished something beautiful. I leave for an Arts trip to Boston next friday morning. We get back Monday night. Tuesday and Wednesday I am at a Link Crew training camp. Wednesday night is Music Night. Thursday there is another art trip that I am planning on attending. That means I attend school Friday this last week of May. A well mastered plan, if I do say so myself. :)

I've been meaning to share this photo, so here it is:

This is what my uncle, aunt and cousins bought me for my birthday last month. He read my blog and realized how much I *love* Dora, My Little Pony and Pringles. He also included Pretzels and Sweedish Berries, which I have devoured. And the Granola bars are quite tasty. Therefore: Thank-you for the well thought out gifts. They were well recieved. :)

Our school yearbook has had its pages sent off. That's exciting. And now we have started a photography assignment which only irks me slightly because part of it is to use the modes of the camera. Well, quite frankly, I hate using the preset modes because I prefer to use the TV setting on my Canon Rebel XTi. I like being able to change the ISO speeds, turning off flash (I hate flash in general), adjusting exposure and aperature. So these preset automatic adjustment modes just annoy me. I'll get over it. Eventually.

We also need to use Corel Presentations for this assignment. I'm going to try and use Keynotes and burn it onto a DVD and see if that will work. Or maybe find a file extension that will crossover.

Our other assignment is to use 'PhotoStory' on the Windows computers at school. I don't really like this program. I think iMovie 08 could work instead...but I think the teacher would prefer us to use the programs mentioned. Grr...

Our soccer season ended today. It consisted of 5 games that we lost. Everyone played really well and had a good time, though, so it's all good. And I managed not to be severely injured in any way. Even better.

I still have 800 books on the go. And I keep buying more... I should know better by now.

My room is almost clean, though. And I honestly mean that, surprisngly. It's uplifting to realize this. :)

I bought a guitar yesterday. It's electric, a Squier Stratocaster. It's slightly used but in really good shape. Apparently it is a Seafoam green colour, so claims my Gentleman Companion. But I think it is a mint colour. Meh... She's pretty, though, and I've named her Circe, for the time being. She may decide to show different character traits worthy of a re-name. My acoustic has been named Hespera. The goddess of dusk in Greek mythology. :)

I'm off to watch the end of "He's Just Not That Into You".

Until Next Time,
