Wednesday, April 22, 2009

But All The Promises We Make From The Cradle To The Grave, When All I Want Is You.

School has been mind numbing and somewhat stressful. Bio is interesting, sociology is brain melting, yearbook has deadlines coming up and drama has our play opening up in a week. And then there are soccer games starting next week.

My socio teacher wears colour coordinated outfits. Today it was navy blue day. Her shirt had small white polkadots, and then a denim jacket, grey blue jeans and a blue and dark blue scarf. The other day it was pink themed...

It's cold out, but there was soccer practice today. It went fairly well. At least it stopped raining for the duration of practice, but it's precipitating again now.

I'm handing in a letter of resignation to work, tomorrow. I need more time to focus on my education. And then during the summer I can just galivant about, or read, or write, or sleep in, etc. It will be enjoyable.

My GC is getting his hair cut tonight and that will be a historic event because he hasn't cut it in ages. I've been invited to witness this. It shall be interesting.

Until later,

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He's Too Stoned. Nintendo. I Wish That I Could Make Her See She's Just The Flavour Of The Week.

It's my friend Adam's birthday today. So, a "happy birthday" to him.

I realized today that I am easily paranoid of things. I was aware of this, but it fully comprehended today. Public washrooms bother me because of the germ factors. I won't cross at an insection until the "walk" sign shows up. I enjoy walking alone at night but am always on edge because who knows who else is out there? I am quite afraid of choking. If I swallow food funny I will stop breathing until I'm sure it has passed my epiglottis. I also can't swallow pills. I'm paranoid of falling down stairs because I've done it so many times. I'm also paranoid of birds flying over head, Canadian geese, ants taking over my house, losing things (including people), staining my clothes or spilling things on myself, and turning into my mother. No offense to my mom, though.

The talent show was today. Lots of music performed with singing, guitars, drums and such. Two students from my Link Crew were in it. My "crew" was represented yo.

One of the highlights of the show for my friends was when that guy I mentioned in my last blog who they claim is "obsessed" with me (I think that may be harsh) sang today because they claim he looked right at me at points. If he did I didn't notice because I was simply listening to the music and not really paying attention to those on stage.

It rained again today and is still cold. Not much fun there. Although my GC did attain his G2 today so maybe he'll be nice enough to give me a ride occasionally.

My friend carter and I walk together from school to the small downtown at least 2 times a week after school. We have interesting conversations ranging from superheroes, tv shows, people we don't know, people we know, our situations with life, school, homework, movies, society, and being a teenager, just to name a few.

Today he told me I was too caring and too forgiving. And I guess I tend to be like that because not everyone is, and what if I just happen to be that one person who cares about someone because no one else does for whatever reason? Then I know that if I care then there is atleast one person who gives a damn... I also tend to have maternal instincts... Ask any of my friends... Carter also said my caring just gets me hurt, and I suppose it does...but it's just how I function.

I witnessed once again, tonight how what is written above is very true.

I met a really interesting woman today at my mom's dance class. We talked about writing and books and things like that. We will have more conversations in the future, of that I am sure.

I have school, yet again tomorrow, and it is the last day I see the majority of my friends until Tuesday because they are going to New Brunswick on a rugby trip. I wish them all the best and to please be safe. :) again, with the maternal instinct....


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Monday, April 20, 2009

Coin Operated Boy, All The Other Real Ones That I Destroy Cannot Hold A Candle To My New Boy, And I'…

It's been a cold, rainy day, today. Usually I welcome the spring weather, but it's too damp and chilly for me, sadly. I'd love to be able to go bike around but that's not possible with this week's projected forecast. Darn...

I received my school rugby jacket and shirts today. They're pretty schweet. I haven't had a windbreaker in a while, so that's exciting.

School was fairly easy going. Bio in the morning always allows adequate time to wake up. Yearbook let me finish some forgotten homework and upload photos of a school play I shot. Lunch was spent with my GC(gentleman companion) on one side of me and his friend on my other side talking about Metal Gear Solid. My two guy friends on the other side of the table thought the best thing to do would be to laugh at my melting brain. So that was a predictable, enjoyable lunch hour. The other day the discussion was about Stsrgate. Just to spite my GC, I think I will vow never to watch an episode of it. Ever.

Drama was good. We open our play in 9 says and counting. Dun dun dunn... I'm pretty much good to go. It's just finding some costuming. Sociology had us watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding. My two "supportive" friends from lunch had an assign and dismiss, so they joined me. We shared some laughs.

I then had my hair dyed red. And that's pretty much my day. I need to incest in bear mace, though, or maybe just go over what Tae Kwondo I remember from when I was 8... Regardless, I may have need for either of them because my friends believe I may still have an obsessed stalker. I think they just want to see someone punch this individual in general, but we shall see.

There's a talent show tomorrow. My curiosity is piqued to see what talent my high school posseses. It will be blogged about tomorrow when I get home from guitar.

Anyways, I'm off to bed.


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Shush Girl. Shut Your Lips. Do The Helen Keller And Talk With Your Hips.

My day was better than some of the others I've been having lately. I cleaned my room and am actually über close to finishing it for once. I'm then going to be able to paint it. I'm thinking "sea life" by Behr. It's a torquoise colour. :)

I went to home depot, as well. I love that store. And I visited wal-mart to purchase a 3 drawer filing cabinet to assist in cleaning my bedroom.

Wal-mart and Costco are the hearts of consumerism, which is, sadly, what our society is based upon. I don't grasp how spending money will help get the country/government out of a recession, though. It seems slightly backwards to me. No, I think we need a "Hitler". Not for causing WWIII, we are already on our way for something like that to happen, what with North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and the Middle East, but I digress. As for Hitler, he brought Germany out of their depression. His choices caused beneficial change and his actions created a functioning country...until the whole concept of genecide... But yeah... We just need a leader of some form to step it up. I doubt Harper will, though. And everyone expects Obama to have the answers. Which are exceptionally high expectations, á mon avis. He does not have a magic wand, or powers, or one ring to rule them all, that I know of. But he has a new dog, if that's important to anyone. And Kutner died on House to go work for him...

Regardless, how is spending more money going to solve a deficit? Plus there's whatever amount that the States now owes China.

Anyways, I have school tomorrow.

Until next time,


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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Backstabber, Hope Grabber, Greedy Little Fit Haver, God I Feel For You, Fool...

Life has been busy, lately, which can either be good or bad. Being busy allows me to get out of the house, learn new things, partake in different experiences and embrace oppurtunities. At the same time, there is such a thing as too busy because there simply is not enough time in the day.

My regular schedule in a week includes school, guitar, homework, dance, soccer practices, work usually 3 days a week and then sleeping. Plus the odd night to socialize. Soccer games start the end of the month, though, and I'm in a play who's opening night is the end of the month, too. And then exams are at the end of June.

It just gets hectic.

A woman used a spoon from the "used teaspoons" glass at work the other day. Not only did that gross me out(I wasn't in the vicinity to tell her "NOO!!!") but it reminded me once again that people do not read. And even the older generations, the more elderly folks, are not exempt from asking, instead of simply looking. I'm sure there are multiple reasons for the lack of left to right eye movement but that doesn't mean we can at least TRY to make an effort to read.

The younger generations these days,(I don't want to sound like a retiree) want everything instantaneously. There's no patience. No respect. No value given towards moments or objects. Texting, msn, iPods, movies and Internet all provide instant gratification. And if it isn't fast enough, well, I think everyone is guilty of complaining that something or someone is too slow. Even downloads, where you can get the latest movie, game, song, etc, before it's even released.

We, as a society, have lost patience because of these advancements in technology. And I'm not saying I'm exempt. I get my text on. I have a new iPod touch which I'm currently writing this blog on. I use the Internet daily. I get annoyed when people drive too slow. I download the occasional movie, or the pop song on the radio. I wonder if the radio is in danger if becoming obsolete. Even with XM or Sirius satellite radio you can quickly change the station.

I'm not against all this technology, nor do I feel it is the only reason for the lack of patience being displayed, but is one if them.

What I'm concerned about is the children in our society. The ones who'd rather watch a movie than read a book. The ones who need whatever they want right at that moment. The ones who don't know the importance of "please" and " thank you" and "you're welcome". The ones who don't care about others. The ones that watch tv, play video games or sit on the computer instead of going outside to learn. The ones that don't want to pay for something they can download. The ones that don't recognize the impact of a polite "hello", an honest "goodbye" and a sincere smile. The ones that don't know how to tell time from a regular wall clock. The ones that don't know what cursive writing is. The ones that use L337 instead of proper english in their writing. The ones that have never seen a vinyl record. The ones that choose to critisize instead of critique. The ones who can't enjoy the simple things in life. The ones who don't embrace the moments but instead wait, tapping their digital watch, for the next one to come.

Those things not only annoy me, but they scare me.

This is why I try to go on my computer only once a week. Try not to instantly switch the song on my iPod. Or why I listen to a full album. Why I go sit at the beach for a couple hours a week. Why I go for walks and watch the sun set. Why I have hundreds of books. Why I say please and thank you and you're welcome. Why I say hello with a smile to strangers on the street.

I also do those things because my mother took the time to teach me.

And because I at least hope that if I feel this way, that there are others who are taken aback or offended when children are not taught how to be respectful.

It just seems lately that there are too many young people who are willing to ride through your dirt piles on their bikes and then boast about it. Too many who tell you how and what you will play with them. And too many that are just obnoxiously impatient.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life Is An Open Road To Me...

I'm just trying to see if my new iPod can post blogs properly. I'll type a new one up tonight.


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