Monday, June 8, 2009

I am the one who got away, doesn’t what matter you say, you’ll regret it till you dying day, cause I am the one who got away

So! School has been taking up most of my time. Yay...

We had a Comedy night for drama last week. It was a really wonderful evening full of entertainment performed by our senior drama class. I love the acting high from these events. :)

Saturday I had a dance showcase. It was fabulous. The energy emitted was fantastic. But it's one of those "you had to be there experiences". All the dancers looked stunning and their characterization was superb!

My friends and I recently finished the filming for Zacky's Media Studies project. I'm currently uploading the parts onto YouTube. Woot. I'll link. Here. There are 4 parts because it's 25 minutes long and YouTube is all: "No clips longer than 10 minutes" when I tried to upload them. Eff you YouTube... There is also a Blooper video. :) Check it out, please!

So other than my Sociology research paper, a slideshow for yearbook and a monologue for drama for my final exam I have not much work. I am glad. :)

And our Art & Literary magazine that my group of friends and I and the art teacher have put together is going on sale soon! Yay! We've been putting up a new poster each day at school so that it adds a letter to the title. It's cool how people start asking what the Robot holding the sign with only the letters "Ex N" on it means. We just tell them to keep watching the posters. :)

There's an Athletic Banquet, where whoever was on a sports team this year can pay $3 to get out of some class on Thursday at 10, I think, to watch a slideshow and other people, who are better at sports than you, get awards. And then we also get lunch of some form I think. I went last year for playing soccer. And now I'll go this year for soccer and rugby. Double the chances for not winning anything! Yay! But honestly I just like getting out of class.

I want school to be done for the summer so I can start Young Driver's and get my G2. And have time to sleep and read. And take photos. That's all I really want. Is that too much to ask? ...probably...knowing my luck....

Anyways! I have school tomorrow and am slightly sleepy, so I shall end this blog.

Until Next Time.