Friday, October 9, 2009

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, it's not warm when she's away, ain't no when she's gone...

...and she's always gone too long anytime she goes away...

Good morning...

Long time no post. I'm currently at school and realized the website has been unblocked! So hurray!

There are days where I truly do wonder how I can do so many things and not have my head implode. And then I realize that everyone else must be trying to juggle hundreds of things as well.

So who are we to complain? For every one person who has a part time job and volunteers somewhere on the weekend and has a dance class and homework etc, there is someone who has household issues and lack of money and is trying to find a job and has sibilings to babysit, versus the new mom who's husband works so she's stuck at home doing housework and raising her baby. The situations as endless.

Therefore. Why do we feel entired to complain about our lives? They could always be worse. Why is it so hard for one to focus on the positive things they have going on in their days? And then deal with the doom and gloom appropriately? How is complaining and whining and bitching and moaning going to solve anything?

Well...there are people to enable them. The people who listen and comment, or agree with their complaints, their exclamaitions about how they've been done wrong. We are all guilty of doing that. We just want to help. We feel that if we listen then at least someone cares. That we're helping the complaintee. BUT. What if we simply stated, "I'm really sorry your life isn't working out right. Why don't you try and think about the positives?"

Now, granted, that could completely incense somewhat and chaos would pursue. What if we ask them to look at it in a logical way? List the pros and cons of the situation? Find a way to relieve their stress? Paint, read, run, sleep? Or simply state to them: "It could always be worse."

If as a society we managed to complain less about what we don't have, and learned to fully cherish and appreciate what we do have, the world would a happier place, I think.

Sadly...we always want more...